Chapter Twelve Red roses and hand-written notes

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Hayes' POV

I quickly went up to my room and a sigh of relief came through me. Taylor and Paige were a sleep in their beds. Paige looks...awful, yet beautiful at the same time. Her eyes are puffy, and red, yet the redness in her checks makes it look like she's blushing and she always looks cute when she blushes. I think about what's going to happen tomorrow, I end up telling Nash and Cam my plan. They said that it was brilliant. I almost slipped into bed with Paige, but stopped myself. I went to my bed and just gazed over at Paige, I really messed up letting her go.
The next morning
Paige's POV
I woke up to an empty room and a hand written note lying on my phone along with a red rose. I pick up the note it reads;
Before you wonder what's going on it's a surprise. Get dressed and then follow this clue which will lead to a wonderful surprise.

Clue 1- This place is a full of dirt, a dirt diamond, but in your eyes there's no place like home. (Comment where you think she's going)
I quickly get dressed, what could they possibly be planning. I know exactly where I'm other than the softball fields.
I walk to the lobby and I see Nash. I run over to him.
"What's going on, tell me now." I say looking up at him.
"Sorry Paige, I'm just your driver. Where to?" He says with a smirk.
"The softball fields." I say rolling my eyes at him.
We get to the softball fields and I walk to home, since I'm the catcher this is literally my home away from home. I look down and can't help but smile. There is a hand written note and another rose. I pick up both the rose and the note. I hand the rose to Nash and read the note, it reads;
I think you may know what's going on, but anyway you found the second clue.
Clue 2-" I'll sea you around, don't forget to wave goodbye."
"Where to?" Nash says.
"The beach." I say.
We arrive at the beach and see another red rose with another note attached to it. I hand the rose to Nash and begin reading the next note,
I know this is getting kind of cheesy, but I know you're enjoying it. I know you have that huge grin on your face and as you read this it'll turn into a smile. So here's clue three.
Clue 3- You and I went here when I first meet you, we sat in a big tree and talked for hours beyond hours.
I repeated the words over and over again in my head. Hayes. A few days after I was babysitting Skylynn he and I went to the park and sat in a tree. He had to lift me up into it because I couldn't climb high enough. We sat in the tree and talked for hours beyond hours. It was amazing, it was the first time I truly fell for him, hard. Just like I am right now.
"Nash will you please take me to the park?" I say in a giddy voice with a huge smile on my face.
"Sure thing. Did you finally connect all the pieces?" He said as we drove. I thought everything over;
I made the Davidson Day Softball team a little after he asked me out. Then one day when we were hanging out a few days after me asked me out we took a walk along the beach. It was amazing, he made a corny joke that he would sea me later and I said 'don't forget to wave goodbye' and the park, the park is where it all started. Hayes Grier, you've done it again. I'm speechless.

We finally get to the park and I look over at Nash.
"Thank you for driving me all around." I say giving him a huge hug before exiting the car. I get out of the car and go to the biggest tree there is (since we are still in Cali for Magcon, which starts tomorrow, I didn't go to 'The Tree') I walk over to it and see Hayes leaning up against the tree waiting to lift me up to the high first branch, but once he sees me he stands up tall and reveals a huge arrangement of red roses.
"I'm so, so sorry Paige." He says as he wraps his arms around my waist and I snake mine around his neck. My legs are lifted off the grounds as his arms leave my waist, they are now supporting me up as my legs wrap around Hayes' torso.
"I forgive you, this is the sweetest, most outgoing thing someone has ever done for me. Thank you Hayes, for everything." I say as I burry my head in his chest. Hayes Grier you are the best thing that has ever happen to me. This was the best surprise ever.
Okay! Yay! So, this is my idea of a perfect date. You take the big moments of your relationship and then at the end go back to where it all started. Tell me what you guys think!


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