Chapter Thirteen 'you're my girl, not theirs'

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Paige's POV

Okay so after Hayes' 'I'm sorry' park adventure everyone went back to the hotel and we goofed around and then the for next several days we enjoyed Magcon. It was an amazing trip, but it's over now and Josh is home. I'm beyond glad to have my big brother back home, but it's too bad that school starts as soon as he gets back. I guess my summer is officially over.
//Next day//
My alarms goes off and I hit the off button as I groan. School. I'm not exactly nervous, or excited, or mad that summer is over and school is starting so I just roll out of bed and walk into the bathroom. I check my phone and I have a text from Hayes;
From Blue Eyed Babe💙: I'll be at your house around 8 to walk you to school. Love you babe(;
To Blue Eyed Babe💙: Sounds good babe(;
I then lock my phone and start my normal everyday routine; shower, dry my hair, straighten my hair, and get dressed. I pull my hair into a half up, half down look and I loosely curl the ponytail and the ends of my hair with my wand. I then go through my clothes, I decide to wear something nice, since it's the first day of school. I rummage through my closet and then I see my pink wide-shoulder tank top dress that Josh had brought me back from Arkansas, perfect. I slide on the dress and grab my gold sandals and walk outside to meet Hayes. I'm not really a breakfast person, so I normally don't eat breakfast. I see Hayes walking over to my house and so I stop and wait for him in the middle of my driveway. He's wearing kaki shorts and a red short sleeve shirt. It's a solid red shirt, so nothing fancy. He walks over to me and his eyes widen as he sees me all dressed up. I've never really gotten this dressed up before. I enjoy my tournament t-shirts and some jean shorts or sweats, that's basically all I wear.
"Wow, wow you-you look a-amazing." Hayes says as he struggles to find his words.
"Why thank you, you look quite nice yourself Grier." I say as I look down at my dress. Wow, Josh really out did himself when he bought this. It fits me perfectly.
"I've never seen you wear a dress before, you look incredible." Hayes says moving towards me.
"I enjoy my tournament t-shirts and sweats, don't get me wrong they're amazing and basically all I wear. I just thought it would be nice to dress up for once...." I drift off as Hayes wraps his arms around my waist and pulls he into his chest. Then before I can continue he places a soft kiss on my lips. Gentle and short, but still passionate and meaningful. With that we started walking to school.
Hayes' POV
We arrive at school and I don't want to leave Paige's side. She looked beyond amazing in her dress. I'm so used to seeing her in sweats and a t-shirt that it was weird seeing her all dressed up. Dang, she's so beautiful. I look around the halls and apparently a lot of guys would agree with me since they keep checking Paige out as we walk down to hall to her locker. I wrap my arm around her and pull her closer to me. She doesn't seem to notice all the guys staring at her up and down, that or she doesn't mind. We arrive at her locker. She grabs all her books and we walk down the hall to our first class, since my locker is close to her's I just grabbed my things while I waited for her. I see more guys look at her up and down, I'm getting more and more ticked by the minute. I walk with her down the wall keeping arm around her waist the entire walk to first period. When we get to class and take our seat Paige comes over to me and says, "Hayes, why are you acting so weird?" She says really quiet, like she was scared to ask the question.
"What do you mean?" I say, but I'm not dumb and neither is she, we both know what she's talking about.
"In the hall, coming here and on our way to the lockers you put your arm around me and tensed up a lot and never relaxed, is everything okay?" She says looking into my eyes. Her eyes are filled with worry and sincere fear of what I'm about to say.
"Nothing, it's not a big deal." I say hoping she'll drop the subject. I'm mad, but not at her. At all the guys staring at my girl.
"Hayes, please tell me what's wrong. I can't fix it if I don't know what I'm suppose to fix." She says as she pulls my arm around her shoulder and leans into my chest. Dang, this girl knows exactly how to turn me on. I cave, "Okay, so it's not 'nothing'," I sigh and then continue, "on our way in to school and coming here a lot of guys were staring at you. They would stare at you up and down, I just wanted to show them that you're my girl....not theirs." I say looking into her crystal blue eyes.
Paige's POV
"Okay, so it's not 'nothing'," Hayes says as he lets out a sigh and then continues, "on our way in to school and coming here a lot of guys were staring at you. They would stare at you up and down, I just wanted to show them that you're my girl....not theirs." He says looking into my eyes. I couldn't help but smile. I felt all kinds of butterflies in my stomach when he said, 'my girl'. I rotate myself to where I'm in front of him and I grab both his arms and wrap them around me as I scoot in closer to him, "I'll always be your girl, Hayes. Only your girl." I say as he tightens his grip around my waist and pulls me closer to him. We're inches apart and then he relaxes his body. He lets a grin appear on his face. There's the boy I know.
Okay, so I thought this was SUPER SWEET! Ah! Anyway please remember to vote on this story and comment what you think! Ahh, I love writing these so much and hearing what you guys think of the chapters and voting on them is what makes me want to write more! Love you guys, thanks for all the support.


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