Chapter Sixteen This is the end...

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Paige's POV

It's been 2 months since Brandon died. I miss him beyond words, but the worst part about it is that Hayes isn't talking to me. I told him that I was getting feeling for Brandon again and that now he's gone forever when we we're sitting on the curb. He filled with anger and lashed out on me about how that Brandon was only back in my life a day and that it was crazy that I could have feelings for him again that fast....he's right. It was crazy, but it was true. I loved Brandon with every piece of me. I'm now on my way to school and all I can think about is Hayes....

I arrive at school and as soon as I walk in the door someone grabs my arms and pulls me into the janitor's closet. We are both in the janitor's closet and now I can get a good look at who the heck dragged me in here. Shaggy brown hair, piercing blue eyes, it's Hayes. I look away from him as the memories flood back in.
"What do you want Grier?" I say looking into his piercing blue eyes, they're like the ocean, you can get lost in them. He stares back at me and moved in closer. Before I can say anything else Hayes' lips are pushed against mine as he slams me against the door. The kiss is like none I've ever had before; passionate, gentle, meaningful, and long. Fireworks literally went off inside me. I missed him, I missed everything about him. We pull away and he has a grin on his face and I have a big toothy smile.
"You. I want you, Paige Shelly." He says as he crashes his lips into mine again. It was amazing.
There you go, it's been amazing written this for you guys. I hope that you loved it as much as I did. The book ended simple, just the way I wanted it to, no wedding or kids, no moving in with each other, nothing but a sweet "I'm sorry" kiss. I thank you guys for putting up with my writing for 16 chapters, but this story is over. I hope that you guys will follow me and keep reading my books. I'm now finished with this one and I'm trying to collect my thoughts for my next book, but don't worry there will be another one. Thank you guys again for supporting me.


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