Chapter Seven Big News

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Hayes' POV

A week has gone by since I asked Paige to be my girlfriend. Dang I love her. Nash told Bart about Paige and I, then asked if Paige could go to Magcon with us since we leave for Cali tomorrow. He said that it was fine. While I'm super excited to take Paige to Magcon with me I'm just really worried about her meeting the rest of the guys. I just don't want any if them getting any ideas about taking her away from me, but Paige has been asking when she's going to meet the rest of the guys for awhile now and I can't take that chance away from her. I decided I would tell Paige the news today when I take her to the tree. I text her to meet me at the tree in one hour.
Paige's POV

I was sitting at the kitchen table going through twitter when I got a text from Hayes. (Paige has changed Hayes' contact name now that they're dating)
Blue Eyed Babe💙: meet me at the tree in an hour.
Paige: okay see you there(:
I quickly went through my morning routine; shower, hair dyer, straightener, clothes. I decided to wear my 'Davidson Day Softball' t-shirt with 'Shelly' on the back along with my lucky number, '7', with some jean capris and my chacos. Since I made the softball team a few days ago! I grabbed my phone and headed to the park.

When I arrived at the tree I saw Hayes leaning up against it, waiting to lift me up. Once we were both in the tree I said, "One of these days you're going to brake something lifting me up here."
"What are you talking about, you're as light as Skylynn." He said leaning backwards into the branches. We sat there a few minutes just enjoying being in the tree then he said, "I have some important news to tell you."
"Okay spill." I said turning my body to face him.
"Nash called Bart and asked if you could join us for Magcon and he said yes, YOU'RE GOING TO MAGCON WITH ME!" He said screaming the last part. I was in shock I didn't know what else to do so I gave Hayes the biggest hug I could while I thanked him a billion times. Then we discussed what's going to happen for the next couple of weeks.
The schedule is:
-Tomorrow we leave for Cali at 10am.
-We will arrive in Cali around 1pm.
-Then we'll meet up with the rest of the guys at the hotel & find out who is in what room
-The rest is to be determine once everyone gets there.
Once we went over the schedule Hayes told me all about the guys and Mahogany. They all sounded great and I couldn't wait to meet them. Then we walked back to Hayes' to hang out for a little bit.

Once we got to Hayes' house I ran to Nash's room and gave him the biggest hug I could.
"Thank you so much Nashy!" I said as I hugged him tighter.
"Anything for you Paigie-Poo." He said as he let go from our hug. Then Hayes walked in and Nash said, "We should probably get packed before we leave tomorrow, but we can do that later. Let's make a Q & A youtube video!"
Hayes and I both agreed and tweeted for people to ask us questions. Then we began the video:
Nash: okay my people! Today Hayes, Paige and I are going to do a quick Q&A video so I'll start, @nashnashgrier1 said 'Would you rather have Hayes for a brother or Paige for a sister?' Defiantly Paige, she isn't annoying.
Nash: okay Paige your turn.
Me: okay, @NashGrier ask 'which Grier brother is your favorite?' um...Nash is by far my favorite. I say as I roll my eyes.
Nash: Quit your wining, the truth was going to have to come out eventually.
We continued to answer question after question until the answers were just stupid so Nash ended the video and Hayes and I went to his room while Nash edited the video.
"Is Nash really your favorite?" Hayes says looking over to me with sad eyes.
"Oh my goodness is Hayes a little jealous?" I say with a smirk.
"No, but is he?" He says looking at me again.
"It was just a joke since Nash asked the question but, considering your wining then yes, yes he is." I say as I roll my eyes.
"Okay, you asked for it." Hayes says. Before I can comprehend what he just said he tackled me onto his bed and was now laying on top of me.
"Hayes, Hayes get off of me!" I say between laughs because now he's tickling me.
"Take it back." He says still tickling me.
"What? No, Hayes get off!" I say.
"No take it back!" He says beginning to tickle me more.
"Okay! Okay! I take it back you're my favorite and always will be!" I say between laughs.
"Okay. Good. Glad we got that settled." He says as he flips us and now I'm on top of him.
"I can't believe you tickled me until I couldn't breathe." I say.
"Well, you told everyone you liked Nash more than me!" He says pulling me closer to him.
"Well I only said that to get you jealous Mr. Grier." I say.
"Well it worked Ms. Shelly." He says while smirking, our faces are inches apart. Then Hayes grabs a controller off his night stand and says, "Call of Duty?" Oh my goodness, was he teasing me!? Well two can play at that game.
"Okay Mr. Grier," I say moving towards his ear "but I'm going to win." I say as I roll off of him, giving his ear a little bite before hand. We sit in his beanbag chairs in front of the TV. He starts the game. As he sits down he puts his hand on my thigh, sending chills down my back. We begin playing and I'm doing pretty well, but I need to distract him before he can find where I'm hiding. I slowly slide over onto his lap and spin around wrapping my legs around his waist, but never take my eyes off the screen. I then begin to nibble on his ear, then I move down his neck...
"Okay, okay! You win, you win!" He says picking me up and carrying me back over to the bed, "how are you so good at teasing!" He ask.
"Um...I don't know." I say looking down at his floor. Then I look up toward him and before I know it his plump lips are crashing into mine. It was amazing.
Okay I hope you guys like this chapter! They'll be going to Magcon in the next chapter, I wonder what the guys will think about Hayes' hot new girlfriend....


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