Chapter Nine 'I thought she loved me'

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Paige's POV

For the rest of the night Taylor and I played around with the rest of the guys and it was a lot of fun. Dang I love all of them. I kept looking at Hayes, then Matt, then Taylor. I'm having such mixed feelings. (Italics are her thoughts)
Taylor is such a flirt that's it's funny and he makes me smile and I always have a good time when he's around.
Matt is kind and seems like he truly cares about me even though we just meet.
And then there's Hayes....ah Hayes. He's my best friend, and his eyes, then there's his personality, ugh I love that boy.
I don't know what I'm going to do. With all these great guys around it's hard to focus. I decide to get up early the next morning and take a jog around the hotel a couple times to clear my head. I've always loved to run. It gives me time to think and clear my head. I think the best when I'm running, I guess that's how it's always been for me. I always have my best break throughs when I'm running. I go into the bathroom and wash my face and then change into some black nike shorts and a tournament shirt from last year at state. Then I walk out of the bathroom and rummage through my bag looking for my free runs (running shoes). I finally find them and walk out of the room, but the door opens behind me and I look to see who it is and it's Matt.
"Going for a run?" He ask in a tired voice, it's kin of cute. Stop! Paige, you're dating Hayes!
"Yeah, just trying to clear my head." I say looking back at him.
"Mind if I join?" He says jogging over to me.
"Not at all." I say with a smile as we begin to run side by side. We run a couple laps and then we take a break at the elevator. I know my face is blood red and I'm super embarrassed that Matt can see my crazy red face after I run. I guess it's because I get super hot, but it's super annoying. I cover my face with my hands once I see him looking over at me.
"No stop, it's fine. You look fine." He says coming closer.
"Ugh. I just hate how red I get, it's embarrassing." I say removing my hands because I know the redness has dialed down.
"You look beautiful, red face,sweat and all." He says looking down at the ground.
"Um...thank you." I say. What is it with these guys hitting on me in the elevator?
"I-I'm sorry....I shouldn't have said that." He says in an innocent, sorry voice.
"No, no it's fine. It was sweet, even though you're totally lying." I say looking over at him.
"No, I'm not lying. You're gorgeous, weather you see it or not." He says taking my hand and leaning in. I pull away, wow did Matt just try to kiss me! The elevator opens and of course Hayes is standing there. His face saddens and then goes to anger and then back to sadness. He storms off back towards the room.
"Hayes-Hayes it's not what it looks like....come back." I whisper the last part trying to hold in the tears as the sweetest boy I've ever known storms away from me in furry.

Hayes' POV
I walk over to the elevator because I saw Paige was gone and I wanted to go find her. The door opens and I can't believe my eyes. Matt and Paige were holding hands and Matt was leaning in. A piece of my heart just broke, how could my 'girlfriend' and one of my best friends do this to me....I can't believe Matt would move in on Paige, but I can't believe it more that Paige let him. I thought she loved me....
______________________________ writer's block is gone! Yay! Wonder if Hayes will believe Paige when she tells him her side of the story, if he lets her even talk to him. Did Matt just ruin everything....or was it never meant to be anyway.


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