Chapter Ten Trying the Explain

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Paige's POV

I decided I couldn't leave it like this. I needed to explain to him what I run after him, great here goes the red in my face again, but I didn't care I needed to talk to him. I finally caught up to him. He was sitting outside the room with his face in his hands as he bent over his knees, shaking his head. He finally looked up his face saddened and then got happy and then mad.
"Please let me explain, I didn't kiss him and I wasn't going to either." I said. I was pleading him to give me a chance to explain.
"Paige, I-I can't b-believe y-you would do t-that-" he began to say, but I cut him off.
"Please, Hayes, let me tell you what happened. I'm begging you." I say and tears are basically pouring out of my eyes, my vison is blurry, but I can see these pure blue eyes lock with mine as Hayes shakes his head a soft 'yes'. I told him everything, everything I could possibly tell him about this morning with Matt. Once I was done I wrapped my arms around him and cried into his chest. He just let me cry for a little while he took it all in, then I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and pull in he close to him. He believes me.

Hayes' POV
Paige cried into my chest and I had to take a second to think everything over.
So, she wasn't going to kiss Matt. Why was he leaning in then with their hands locked together. I replayed to image over and over in my head. Paige looked so uncomfortable and Matt was about to close his eyes. Their hands were locked together, but I'm pretty sure that was Matt's doing. That settled it, my best friend moved in in my girlfriend. I believe her.
I wrap my arms around her petite body to tell her that I believe her. Her body tightened up, but then relaxed as she whispered, "Thank you for believing me."
"I should have never doubted you..." I replied. She then pulled away from her and I dried her tears. We sat there a little more and then the devil body filled with anger again as I saw Matt looking down at us.
"Hayes, I-I didn't k-know...I'm so sorry." Matt said his eyes glossy. I didn't know what to say so I just removed Paige from my lap and walked over to Matt.
"What do you mean 'you didn't know'? You didn't know about us because that's bull crap, you didn't know I was going to catch you? That sounds more like it." I say walking closer and closer to Matt with every word.
"Hayes, I'm so sorry buddy. Paige is a beautiful girl with a great personality. It's hard not to fall for her." Matt says looking me straight in the eyes.
"I know, she's pretty great," I say looking back at Paige "okay Matt I'm going to let this go. I don't want to flight with you the day before Magcon starts. Just keep your hands and other everything else to yourself, Paige is mine." I say walking back over to Paige.

Paige's POV
Wow....I sat there watching the two of them talk it out but I thought Hayes was going to beat the crap out of Matt in the beginning. Hayes walked back over to me. I sat in silence.
"Paige, I'm going to believe you. I'm not going to get mad or anything anymore, but if the elevator wouldn't have opened would you have kissed Matt?" He looked over to me. I was taken back by the question. So, he 'believes' me, but yet ask this question. He doesn't believe me.
"If you truly believed me Hayes, then you wouldn't even ask that because you would trust the answer I already gave you." and with that I got up and walked away to find Nash.
I went into Nash's room and all the guys were throwing food at each other. I started to laugh through the tears and then Nash saw me. He came over and stroked my hair and gave me and big hug. Dang, Nash you're the best. I let go and then Nash said, "What happened?" By then all the guys were circled around us.
"Your brother."
Well it was going good, then Hayes had to ask that question, I wonder what Taylor will think of this situation.....


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