Chapter Eleven Make up or Break up?

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Paige's POV

Nash calmed me down and said that he would talk to Hayes. Man, I miss Josh. I think I'll text him.
To Joshy💕: Hey Big Bro, how's the college life? I miss you like crazy is there any way you can come home sooner? Love you, P-Shell
I quickly got a reply that made my face light up.
From Joshy💕: What's up Little Sis! College life is pretty great. I have some news. It was going to be a surprise, but I'll go ahead and tell you; I'm coming home in a month! Love you like crazy, did you need to talk about anything?
I thought about it, should I tell him about, no I shouldn't. I can't wait to see him in a month, plus I have Nash and Cam here with me, they'll make everything better.
To Joshy💕: Nope, nothing. I'm going to go I love you so much Josh. I'm so glad you're coming home, I need you here with me. Bye Big Bro
From Joshy💕: Okay, love you Little Sis. Tell Nash and Cam I say hi. Love you.
With that I locked my phone. Nash had left to talk to Hayes so I went back to my room because I wanted to see what the guys were up to.
I walk into my room and before I know it I feel a pair of muscular arms wrap around me. I feel safe, protected and better all at once. I look up to see Taylor. A smile slowly creeps onto my face. A full smile, teeth and all.
"I heard what happened. No one should be treated like that, they should be trusted with their word.....especially a beautiful girl like you." He said, but whispered the last part. I bit my lip and then notice I'm still in his arms. I pull away from him and then look around the room. It's just me and Taylor.
"Where is everybody?" I say looking into his eyes, his big brown eyes. He's wearing a black bandana and a Magcon sweatshirt.
"They left to find Hayes, we can't find him." He said looking down.
"Oh," I say looking down at the ground. This is all my fault. No Paige, stop! You're mad at him, he doesn't trust you. I may be mad at him, but that doesn't mean I stopped loving him.
I'm snapped out of my thoughts as Taylor says, "Wanna watch a movie?"
"Sure, I need to clear my head for a little." I say sitting down on my bed. He pops a movie in and then flops down next to me snaking his arm around my waist pulling me in close. What can I say, I told you the boy was a flirt. I leaned my head on his shoulder. I slowly drifted off to sleep...

Taylor's POV
I snaked my arm around Paige's waist, she didn't push me away and then she leaned her head on my shoulder. Smooth Caniff. I look over at her and she snuggles up to me and drifts off the sleep. Damnnnnn, she's so hot when she's sleeping. No Taylor, stop! She has a boyfriend....or does she....are they still together?
Hayes' POV
I ran away because I couldn't do it, why did I even ask her that! Ugh. She probably hates me now. I'm such an idiot... Nash and the guys come running over to me. Great, now I'm really going to get it.
"Save your breath, I already know I screwed up bad. I'm going to make it up to her tomorrow, just please let me do this by myself. I need to prove it to her myself, not through you guys." I said as Nash started to open his mouth. He closed it and then opened it again,
"Okay buddy, but if you don't fix it then Cam and I are going to beat the crap out if you for doing that. She cried dude, hard. She text Josh and then went back to the room because she felt sick since she cried so much." He said and then backed away. Sometimes I wonder if he's secretly Paige's brother because he is super protective over her, I think it's just since Josh can't protect her since he's in Arkansas. I nod my head and start looking at all the guys, someone's missing. Taylor....
Okay so Taylor is up in the room comforting a broken Paige....hmmm...wonder what Hayes will think about that one...


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