Chapter Five Bye bye Josh, and Balcony Talks

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Paige's POV

I left Hayes' after the movie was over. Elizabeth said she was very satisfied with my work and would love to have me babysit again. Now I'm back home after the best weekend of my life. There is a down side though, Josh leaves for College tomorrow. He decided to go to the U of A, so he could be close to home, since we're from Arkansas. I'm going to miss him like crazy. We've been hanging out everyday for as long as possible until he leaves. His flight leaves tomorrow morning around 9. Nash, Cam, and Josh have gotten really close, so we decided to all hang out for his last night in North Carolina. They'll come over around 7. It's 6 now so I have plenty of time to get ready. I decide to go with the comfy look. I slide on my 'Bentonville Softball' sweatpants along with my 'I'm proud to be a Tiger' Bentonville Softball Game Day shirt. I check my appearance in the mirror and I look...comfy. I put my long blonde hair into a low ponytail tilted to the right side of my head. I grab a headband to put on and walk downstairs.
"Dressing for comfort?" Josh says with a laugh as he picks me up from behind.
"Yeah, I miss the girls on the team. Plus I'm nervous, Davidson Day softball tryouts are in a few weeks." I say playing with the long strings on the sweatpants. In Bentonville, even though I'm only 14 I was the starting second baseman for the High School team and I was the lead off batter because of my speed.
"Paige, you'll do amazing. I want updates on the season and everything else you do. I'll be one phone call away if you ever need me." Josh says looking straight into my eyes. I love my big brother, he's always been my best friend. Before I can say anything else the doorbell rings.
"I GOT IT!" I yell as I run to the door. I open the door to see Nash, Cam and Hayes with a huge stack of movies, popcorn and sour patch kids.
"OH MY GOSH! You guys are the best!" I say as I take a few of everything and walk upstairs into the game/movie room. Josh and I set everything up earlier today, so the room would be ready when everyone got here. We all went upstairs and I went through the movies to see which one we should watch first. They brought: The Blind Side, The Hunger Games, and Divergent.
We decided on Divergent, which we had all seen before, but decided to watch it anyways. I snuggled up to Josh and put my legs on Hayes' lap. I started drifting off the sleep soon after that.
I woke up to Josh's alarm on his phone and everyone was laying on the coach. My head was snuggled up in Josh's chest and my legs were still on Hayes' lap. I checked the time and it was 6 am. Josh quickly got up, he's always been a morning person, then Hayes, Cam, Nash and I went to the kitchen to eat breakfast while Josh got ready to leave. We walked into the kitchen and then Nash said, "LETS MAKE A 'GUESS THAT SNACK' YOUTUBE VIDEO!" I jumped a little because it's 6 am and Nash was yelling.
"I'll do it, but let me go freshen up for the camera." I said starting to walk out of the kitchen until a hand grabbed my wrist. It was Hayes.
"You look fine. Beautiful always." Hayes said.
"Thank you Hayes." I said pulling him into a hug.
"Okay, okay love birds! We have a video to make!" Nash said.

We finished the video and the boys made me eat a bunch of disgusting stuff. Then, we all sat down to edit the video. It was really funny and I didn't look terrible, but you could tell that I was still in pajamas. I told Nash to send me the video once he transferred it to his phone. He did and I took a screenshot from the video of Cam putting a toothpaste filled Oreo in my mouth. I decided to post it on Twitter
@PaigeShelly: Go check out @NashGrier's new youtube video 'Guess That Snack' and thank you @CamDallas and @HayesGrier for making me eat some disgusting stuff <photo attachment>
By the time we got everything cleaned up and put away Josh was ready to leave for the airport. I couldn't do it, I broke down. I held on to Josh as tight as I could, crying into his chest.
"I love you Josh." I said between cries.
"I love you too Paige. I'm one call away, remember that." He said pulling away from our hug. I decided not to go to the airport with Josh, it was just one more time I had to say goodbye to him.
Josh left and it was really hard. Nash, Cam and Hayes left right before Josh did and my Mom was at work, so I was all alone in a our huge house. My dad passed away when I was two, so Josh has always been my fatherly figure. I couldn't hold it in, I went to my room and cried for a few hours until I pulled myself together and went to sit on my balcony. I sat there awhile, but then I heard someone's voice. It was very familiar. I looked to up to see Hayes outside on the balcony across from me.
"You miss him?" He said looking down at the ground.
"Yeah, a lot. He wasn't just my brother, he was my best friend and my fatherly figure for as long as I can remember and now he's gone." I said with tears streaming down my face. Hayes and I talked across the balconies for hours beyond hours. We talked about my dad passing. Which wasn't hard to talk about because I don't really remember what happened; or him. I was two, so the only things I know are stories I've been told about him and the night he passed. After that we talked about random stuff, just dumb stuff nobody would cares about. It made me feel a lot better, Hayes always makes me feel better.
Okay I hope you like this chapter. Poor Paige, Josh is off to college:( anyway I know this is a late update, but we are on our way back from a softball tournament. We got 2nd. I guess that's good. Anyway, goodnight.


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