Chapter Fifteen 'Its about Brandon' part one

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Paige POV

Hayes and Brandon have gone home and now it's just Josh and I since Mom is at work. I walk over to the couch where Josh is sitting and I snuggle up to him as we watch Jack and Jill.
"Do you ever think if we wouldn't have moved to Arkansas that you and Brandon would be dating?" Josh says out of the blue.
"Um...why are you asking?" I say giving him the what-the-crap-is-going-on look.
"Nothing, just seeing Brandon made me think about when you guys were younger. I bet Mom $10 when I was 12 that you two would go out when you got older." He says with a laugh.
"Gosh, yeah. He was my better half, he got me through the worst of times and was there for the best of times." I say as I start thinking about Arkansas.
"He was you're better half? So, who is now?" Josh ask sitting up in the couch.
"Hayes, I guess." I say.
"Paige, I don't think that Brandon ever stopped being you're better half, and if he never stopped Hayes never became it." He says and with that he got off the couch and left me there to think.
Do I like Brandon? I remember having a huge crush on him before we moved, but I had to get over him since I would never see him again....but he's here now. No! Paige you have Hayes!
My thoughts are quickly interrupted by my phone going off like crazy.
I have 4 text messages. Two from Hayes and two from Brandon. I open Hayes' first;
Blue Eyed Babe💙: I need to talk to you, meet me outside in 15 minutes.
Blue Eyed Babe💙: it's about Brandon...
My heart sunk a little.... I decided to open Brandon's text now to see if I could get a clue about what Hayes was talking about
Better Half👫: Paige Shelly, I love you beyond words. I can't explain what's going to happen from here, but I know that you were the best thing that has ever happened to me. I just needed to see you one last time before all this happened. I love you so much Paige and I know that this is going to hurt you, but there is nothing I can do to stop it now. You were and always will be my better half, so in a way you'll always have the best part of me with you. Since that piece was always you...I love you beyond words Paige Nicole and I'm sorry for the pain this is going to cause you....
Better Half👫: please forgive me....for everything
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• haha cliffhanger again! Any thoughts of what's happening💭this is why Hayes and Brandon were all of a sudden nice to each other.....and Paige will be the one to pay for all the secrets that were kept.


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