Chapter Fifteen 'Its about Brandon' part two

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Paige's POV

I quickly went upstairs and grabbed my shoes and went outside to see Hayes sitting on the curb of my driveway with his hands in his knees. I walk over to him and he looks up to me. He was crying.
"Hayes, wh-" I didn't get to finish because Hayes interrupted me.
"Paige, Bran-Brandon passed away earlier this morning.....h-he told me that he had stage four Leukemia and all he....w-wanted w-was to see you one
l-last time before everything happened...he was in love with you Paige. He loved you in a way that only you would know, that's what he said. That's why he and I were all of a sudden okay with each other at your locker.....all he wanted was to see the best part of him again." Hayes said as he started crying again. I was best friend is died. I have no words. Brandon is died, and all he wanted to do before he died was see me...
"So, you knew that he had stage four Leukemia....and y-you didn't t-tell me?" I said and looked at Hayes with disgust. You don't do that to someone, you don't find out that their best friend is about to die and just let them carry on like everything in the world is fine...when it's not....not in the least.
"Yeah, he told me about it right after lunch....he said not to tell you because it would only hurt you more and he wanted to have fun today with the old Paige and not have a pity party for him instead." Hayes said looking over at me with glossy eyes. So, it wasn't Hayes who didn't want me to know that Brandon was dying.....but Brandon himself.
"You know the worst part about this is that Brandon loved you in a way I could never love you. He told me that this was his wish, to see the best thing that ever happened to him again. To see your bright smile, the hear your beautiful laugh, and to see you one last time. That's all he ever wanted..." Hayes said as he pulled me into a hug.
"Hayes, the whole reason I fell in love with you is because you reminded me of and him both tease me about stupid stuff I do in a joking way. You both screw up a lot, but you always go out of your way to make it up to me. I loved you both in the same way. If I can't have him here with me....I'm glad I have you." I say as I hug him tighter and cry into his chest.
Okay so there you go....Hayes and Brandon were acting all sweet to each other because Brandon was going to die and all he wanted was to see a happy Paige, so that's what he got. I want to tell you guys a few things about how Paige is feeling about Brandon's passing....
~So she's sad (like no duh, right) because her best friend is now gone and that's exactly when she needs him the most, plus she just got him back in her life and now he's gone forever
~She feels comfort and protection because of how Hayes is treating her during this horrible time, it actually reminds her of when something bad would happen in Arkansas, Brandon would comfort her, just like Hayes is doing and make everything better.

So that's how she's feeling, it's a mixture of emotions. She can't exactly tell anyone how she feels because she doesn't know...she is sad because her best friend is gone forever, but she feels good because the sweetest boy she knows is here to comfort her and make her feel better like he always does.

I hope you guys are enjoying the book,
I'm thinking about how I'm going to end it...yes it will be ending💔 I think that I'm just going to end it in a simple way. I don't want to end it in a big way like most fan fictions. I want this to be simple.
I probably won't make a sequel, because I don't have any ideas about how the sequel would work and I've read a lot of sequels and it's hard to imagine the characters older than they are in the first book. So, the book will be ending soon. There won't be a sequel, but I'm thinking about writing another Hayes Grier fan fiction. So, keep an eye out for another one of my books that will coming out soon!

This isn't the end for Paige and Hayes, but it's getting close. Thank you guys for supporting me this far.


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