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I would have failed to reach for the interview in time if Max hasn't worked her magic. She helped me dress up in a business suit while I slicked my hair back in a bun. While I put some makeup, she collected all my documents and then drove me to the collosal building of Sveston Industries.

"You can do it." She said to me in a consoling manner.

"I can do it." I repeated but didn't believe it. My head was still hurting but the milk and then the grilled cheese I ate on the way cured some of the hangover. I just hoped the nausea doesn't hit and I don't embarrass myself in front of any more strangers.

Collecting all my documents, I walked inside the building and the receptionist guided me to the interview room. A lot of people had gathered outside the room, waiting for their turn.

Taking a long sigh, I watched my reflection in the reflective wall. I was wearing a cream business suit that made me look professional, while the black heels provided some elegance to my attire. My makeup was minimal and my look was completed with a pair of pearl earrings. Nobody could say that I was hungover.

Satisfied with my appearance, I took a seat beside another girl. Her degree showed that she was a Harvard graduate so I felt a little intimidated. Most of the applicants were probably from Ivy League institutes so coming here might be a mistake.

I sat there, waiting for my turn, watching the applicants leave one by one. Most people came out looking dejected and it scared me even more.

"I have heard the boss is a tyrant." The girl sitting next to me said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes. Nathan Byers. Devastatingly handsome but a dick nonetheless." She said.

I would have talked to her more but before I could, I was called inside. Nervously, I straightened my blazer and tucked a free lock of hair behind my ears. Mumbling silent prayers under my breath, I went inside the room and came face to face with a man.

The man looked vaguely familiar but I couldn't figure out where I had seen him.

"Ah yes, Miss. Anderson." The guy looked amused as his eyes switched between my CV and my face. And it irked me to not know why. "Take a seat." He said.

"Thank you." I said and took a seat in front of him.

"Would you like anything? Water? Tea? A waste basket?" He asked with a smirk.

Wait. A waste basket?

And that's when the realization dawned on me. These gorgeous green eyes. How could I forget staring deep into them just last night before I emptied my guts on his lap?

My face flushed red in embarrassment and my throat got dry. "I... Ummm... Ummm..."

"Tell me, do you stalk all your interviewers a night before and vomit on them?" He raised his eyebrows.

"I didn't know who you were last night." I said meekly.

"You didn't know me?" He looked like he felt insulted at that.

"Is it that hard to digest?" I said in an annoyed voice and then slapped my mouth.

"Yes. Because if you didn't, that makes you stupid and clueless." He stated sternly.

"And if I did know?"

"That makes you a stalker."

What a cocky bastard! I'd rather go back to the farm than work with him.

"I am not getting the job, am I, Mr. Byers?" I asked in a low voice.

"That depends." He stated.

"On what?" I asked.

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