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Hangover and insomnia, not a good combination. My body was failing me yet I kept it going. That's what happens when you are nearly 30 but you drink like a teenager. But never again. This was the last time I would hang around in clubs and be surrounded by drunken chicks. I needed to prove my credibility in front of judges and be a better parent for Aria. I couldn't afford losing her to Serena.

If Ellie remembered what happened last night, she did her best not to show any sign of it. She looked quite hungover when she appeared at work this morning, dark circles under her eyes and a large cup of coffee in her hands. Normally, if my secretary had come to work in such a state, I would have made her suffer but today was different. My own mind was stuck somewhere else.

That one thought from last night was still clouding my mind and I was doing anything to avoid that thought. There was no way I could just go and discuss something like that with her. Besides, even to my ears, it sounded like a pathetic idea that could backfire in the worst way possible.

“Would you like me to order something for your lunch?” Ellie entered my office and asked.

Now that her hangover had settled, I observed how pastel colors made her glow. She had flawless skin that needed no makeup and contrasted well with her dark hair. She was beautiful enough for others to believe I have fallen for her charm and beauty.

"Don't think about her!" I said to myself.

I shook my head in no and pretended to be reading the book in my hands so she would leave me alone.

“I’ll go to cafe for lunch then.” She told me and I nodded.

Once she left, I sat down on my chair and different thoughts started to invade my mind. I couldn't lose Aria, she was the only person keeping me sane. I wasn't the most ideal parent but I have vowed to become better for her. Because even in my worst state, I was still a better parent than Serena and I couldn't let her take custody.

A knock on the door caught me off guard. I didn't have any meeting scheduled for now and I wasn't quite keen on meeting anyone. "Come in." I said with an irritated face.

I was massaging my knuckles when I heard the sound of door opening followed by the sound of heels. I looked towards the direction of the intruder who happened to be my dear ex wife, the bane of my existence.

The last person I wanted to see.

"What are you doing here?" I grunted.

"I'm here to warn you." She said as she walked over to my desk and crossed her elbows.

"Consider me warned. Off you go now." I said roughly, not wanting to engage with her. The mere sight of her face was enough to make my blood boil.

There was a time when I used to yearn for that face. I adored her back when we were together, to such an extent that my friends used to call me whipped. Who wouldn't be? She had beautiful sparkly blue eyes and the shiniest blonde I have ever seen. On top of that, we were best friends and she used to make me feel loved and supported but that didn't last long.

"Back off Nathan. Aria needs her mother and you are not capable enough to fulfill both roles." She said, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

"You left her when she was hardly six months old because of your affair. Does that sound capable to you?" I stood up and rested my arms over my desk, taking a defensive position.

"I was suffering from postpartum depression. I was lonely and you did nothing to help me." She glared.

"Maybe because I was too busy earning to provide for your lavish lifestyle. I had hired you maids and nannies and what not. How do you think I paid for that? By working my ass off. And whenever I tried to help you, you pushed me away because you already had a backup plan." I replied.

"Whatever happened in the past has nothing to do with Aria. I have proven myself capable of taking care of her in front of the judges. Aria will have a better life in London with me. You on the other hand, you're not doing a better job at it." She crossed her arms and blamed me.

"That's not true." I said.

"Really?" She raised her eyebrows. "Then what is this?" She pulled out a newspaper from her bag and shoved it towards me.

A frown appeared on my forehead as I read the headline.

"Business magnate Nathan Byers once again seen escorting a drunk woman outside a club."

Below was a picture from last night of me leading Ellie out of the club to my car. She was not able to walk properly so I was holding her close to me, helping her walk straight. This picture had been taken from angles where it looked like I was doing more than just helping her.

"That's..." I gulped the ball of nerves down my throat. "It isn't what it looks like." I said, trying to keep myself calm.

"Tell that to the judges." She smiled at me.

I knew that no matter how much I tried, I won't be able to clear my position in front of judges. It would strengthen the jury's stance on my lifestyle and my ability to be a good role model for my daughter.

"She..." I knew I was going to regret the next words that came out of my mouth. "She isn't a random woman. She is my secretary Ellie."

"And how does that change anything?" She asked.

Do something, dickhead.

"Because I'm marrying her." I said to match her stance.

"What?" I heard two voices synchronized into one. One belonged to my ex-wife whose eyes had widened in shock and the other belonged to the said secretary who was entering the room with a plate of sandwich in her hands.

"It's okay Ellie. She knows." I walked towards her before she could say something. I mouthed 'please' and she nodded subtly, agreeing to play along.

"You can't get married. You, Nathan Byers, are unable to fall in love." Serena said.

"I was, until I met Ellie." I said, wrapping my arms around Ellie's shoulder and pulling her closer. She stiffened in my arms but I kept holding her close to me.

"That... That's.... That's not possible." The frustration was visible on Sabrina's face.

"Why? Are you too much of a narcissist to believe that I can love someone other than you?" I asked, raising my eyebrows.

"You are a liar, Nathan. And you know you won't be able to keep this pretense for much longer. I'll win." Serena said and picking up the newspaper, stomped out of the room in anger.

"Aria is not a game that you can win." I shouted as the door closed behind her.

Once she left, Ellie shrugged to push my hand off her shoulder. Putting her hands over her hip bone, she asked sarcastically, "Genius. But tell me one thing sir, don't you think your ex will know we are not engaged when we won't get married?"

Shaking my head at that, I walked over to my desk and plopped myself on the chair. My throat was parched so I dramatically finished the cold glass of water placed on my desk while Ellie waited for my response. "I have a solution for that." I finally answered.

"What?" She asked.

"Marry me." I said and she choked on the air.


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