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Last night when I came to the suite, I saw that redhead woman leave Mr. Byer’s room half naked. It didn’t need a genius to figure out what had happened between them and I don’t know why but it hurt. Maybe it was because we were sharing a suite and it was disrespectful of him to bring a girl there, or maybe I had started to believe all those news headlines about him were just rumours.

Well, it was nobody's fault but mine to think the famous playboy would suddenly turn respectful and not sleep around while sharing a suite with me. Besides, it's his life. He is the boss. Who am I to comment on how he chooses to spend his night?

When I woke up, I felt like shit. I had drunk a little too much alcohol last night and now, I had ended up with a really bad headache. Somehow, I gathered the courage to do my morning routine and then made my way to the lounge. The sight of mouth watering breakfast on the coffee table greeted me and I plopped down on the couch.

Before I could dig in, I was alerted by the sound of someone clearing his throat. I followed the direction of the sound and found my boss leaning against the wall in just grey sweatpants.

And damn! Mr. Nathan Byers without his shirt was really a sight to behold. He had a fair share of taut muscles, especially his well-defined abs and rounded biceps. His skin was tanned and smooth, with a faint dusting of light brown hair.

“Close your mouth.” He said with a smirk on his lips and I rolled my eyes.

What a waste of good looks on such asshole!

“I have seen better.” I said, pouring a glass of juice for me.

“Of course you have." He said and then added, "I ordered this food for myself.” He said, sitting beside me. Heat was radiating off his naked chest, making me all warm and fuzzy.

Boy, I need to get laid.

“You know you aren’t going to eat all of this.” I said, nodding towards the table. It had a whole feast on it; eggs, bread, omelet, cereal, juices, sausages, jam, pancake, pastries, anything you can think of.

“I might.” He shrugged.

“Fine.” I said in anger and stood up to leave for the buffet downstairs when he called my name.

“Ellie.” He said. My name rolled of his tongue and this was probably the first time he had called me by my first name. It made me a little weak in my knees. “Sit down Anderson, you aren’t going anywhere in this state of hangover. God, did you drink the whole carton?”

“I just had a couple.” I said, dragging myself back to the couch. To be honest, I didn’t have the energy to go downstairs.

“A couple hundred?” He asked with a smirk.

“Whatever.” I said and rolled my eyes.

I took my time filling my plate with food, especially fried eggs as they were my go-to hangover food. The amount of food in my plate did earn me few glances from Mr. Byers but who cares.

“Gluttony is one of the seven deadly sins.” He said.

“So is lust. That didn’t stop you last night.” I commented and his jaw ticked. I felt like kicking myself for blurting it out like that. I sound like such a loser for keeping tabs on him.

“What are you talking about?” He asked.

“Nothing.” I shrugged and filled my mouth with bread so he won’t be able to force me to speak.

“I didn’t sleep with her.” He said.

"Of course you didn't. You both just prayed.” I said, not wanting to listen to his lies.

“I didn’t. And even if I did, it doesn’t concern you.” He clenched his teeth.

“I never said it did.” I said, not taking my eyes off my plate.

The air between us grew awkward as neither of us spoke another word. At last, he put a few slices of ham in between the bread and took the sandwich with him to his room. Suddenly, I didn’t feel hungry anymore. Putting the plate down, I poured some black coffee for myself and chugged it down my throat along with the painkiller. Leaving the mess on the table as it was, I retreated to my room and lay down, waiting for the headache to settle.


A car had arrived to take us to the conference. Once I was ready, I knocked on his door to inform him of the car’s arrival. As soon as he opened the door, he took a long look at me from head to toe.

His staring gaze left me conscious of my attire. I was wearing a lavender color bodycon dress and had wrapped my hair in a sleek ponytail. I did minimal makeup on my face to appear professional and completed my look with a pair of beige heels.

“Do I look okay?” I asked, not wanting to look overdressed or underdressed.

“You look.... Average.” He said in a disinterested voice and walked ahead.

The car took us to the conference and once we were finally there, a guide took us to our seats. I widened my eyes in surprise when I found the guy I had met last night sitting next to the seats assigned to us. I was about to sit with him when Mr. Byers reached first and sat down there. This left me no choice than to sit with a nerdy ginger guy.

Once they both had exchanged pleasantries, that guy Sean extended his arm from in front of Mr. Byers to reach me. “Good afternoon, Elizabeth.” I shook his hand and smiled at him. He had asked me my full name last time and I am surprised he remembered it.

“She prefers Ellie.” Mr. Byers interjected. “Or Miss. Anderson.”

“I think she is more of an Elizabeth. Doesn’t she have something poetic about her beauty?” Sean said and I blushed.

“I haven’t noticed any beauty in her per se.” Mr. Byers said sourly and his words made me scowl.

“Actually, that’s misogynistic of both of you to comment on my looks, whether as a praise or an insult. I am here because of my work.” I said in a sharp tone.

“My bad.” Sean apologized immediately while Mr. Byers just kept looking straight.


The conference started and it was the most boring 3-hours of my life. On top of that, I was assigned with the task of all the important points so I couldn’t even leave halfway. I had to spend the whole time listening to boring old businessmen talk about their work and their achievements. And the statue sitting beside me didn't help either. Will it kill him to slouch or yawn or do anything that would make him a normal human?

I heaved a long sigh when the conference finally ended and it was the time for lunch. My stomach was growling by now so I hopped towards the food counters and served some pasta on my plate. While I was doing that, I once again came across Sean.

“Oh, you again.” He said, acting surprised.

“Ah, are we going to act like that’s a coincidence?” I raised my eyebrows.

“We can.” He said. “ Or we can stop beating around the bush.”

“Maybe.” I said, putting a spoonful of pasta in my mouth.

“So are you free tonight?” He asked. “I’ve been here before. Let me show you around.”

“I don’t think my boss would like that very much.” I said.

“Your boss doesn’t own you. What you do in your free time isn’t his concern.” He replied.

I pondered over it for a brief moment. I did like the idea of visiting the city and also, if Nathan can sleep with that ginger, I too can hang out with someone else. He doesn’t own me. Wait, why do I sound jealous?

“I’ll give you a call.” I said.

“Wonderful.” He said and walked ahead. As I went back to eating, I could feel a pair of eyes boring holes through my head and I didn’t need to guess twice to figure out who it was.

I ignored my boss altogether and sat down somewhere peacefully so I can eat.


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