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I hate Nathan Byers. Hate him. Hate him so freaking much.

I groaned internally as I entered the elevator. He made me stay here till 8, then forced me to eat with him, then insulted me and asked me to leave in the middle of eating. Bipolar much? He was the biggest jerk I have ever encountered and I hated being around him.

"Relax." Someone said and I turned to look at that person. I was so angry that I didn't even realize Drake was already inside the elevator. "Sorry I didn't know—"

"It's okay. You look flustered." He said, observing my face.

"That's just my angry face." I shrugged.

"And who pray are you angry on?" He asked.

The elevator stopped at the ground floor and both of us walked out.

"You wouldn't like the answer as that certain someone is your friend." I replied, checking my mobile for an available Uber.

He chuckled at this and then said, "I'll drop you. Where do you live?"

"No thanks. I don't want to trouble you." I said, resisting.

"You aren't troubling me at all. Let me, I insist." He said as he led me to his car. I looked around nervously, not wanting to take help but he wasn't listening to me.

"I can just call an Uber. It would be easier." I said.

"Fine." He said, shrugging and then added dejectedly "And I thought we were friends."

"Uh…" I didn't know what to say.

"What a sad end to an already sad day!" He sighed.

"Um I…. Fine. You can drop me."

"See. It isn't that difficult, is it?" He said and opened the door of the passenger seat for me. After asking for my address, he moved to the driver's seat and started the car. "So why exactly are you angry at Nathan?"

"Ugh. Don't remind me. He is just so arrogant and downright obnoxious. He acts like he is superior to everyone and can insult anyone anytime." I blurred out and then realized I was talking to his friend, who might snitch me to him. "Sorry." I added.

"I get it. Nathan is a little difficult but he has a good heart." He said, keeping his eyes focused on the road.

"I don't want anything to do with his good heart. All I want is for him to treat me like a human being." I said.

"Give him time." He suggested.

"Does he get better with time?" I asked.

"No, but you'll get used to him." He smiled while I gaped at him.

I wondered how they were friends but they had completely different personalities. One was kind and friendly while the other was simply a big jerk.

"How did you two meet?" I asked.

"Fathers were friends. Same highschool. Same undergrad. Some university. When you have such a long history with someone, you are kind of obliged to become close friends." He said.

"Right." I said.

"Enough about us. You tell me. Who is Ellie Anderson?" He asked, showing me his pearly smile.

"Just a small town girl wanting to make it big in a big city." I chuckled.

"Ellie Anderson, future CEO? How does that sound?" He asked, grinning.

"It has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" I said.

"It does. And do you want to struggle alone or do you have a partner to share the burden?" He asked. He came to his point fast, I won't lie.

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