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I spent the whole day popping painkillers like candies. The veins in my head were pulsating with pain. Why won’t they when my day started with seeing the face of the devil? I could have never thought the woman I so wholeheartedly loved once could spew so much hatred from her mouth. She portrayed me as a villain in front of the court as if I had been nothing but cruel to him. Had she forgotten those days when we were head over heels for each other? I was at least.

I needed alcohol in my system today so that explained why I made my way straight to a bar after work. One after another, I drowned myself in liquor until my head had started to spin. Drake accompanied me till 10 but after that, even he left me alone sulking.

"You look like you could use some company." I heard a feminine voice in my ears.

I lazily followed the voice and spotted a familiar face with long blonde hair. I remember hooking up with her a few months ago after a charity gala. The next morning, I had left the hotel before she could wake up and when she showed up in my office, I ordered the security guards to not let her in.

She might be clingy but she was great in bed, and right now, I needed that more than anything.

"Your place?" I asked, coming straight to the point.

"Only if you stay for breakfast." She smirked at me as she walked closer. She ran her hands over my thigh, moving closer to my crotch.

Her blonde hair reminded me of Serena and that in turn, reminded me of the hearing again. My actions right now were the exact reason I had come so close to losing Aria and here I was, proving Serena right. Meaningless sex was my way of fulfilling my desires without having to develop feelings for a woman again. One time was enough to give me a lifetime of misery and regret, and I didn't have the mental capacity of getting involved with a woman emotionally ever again.

Mom thinks that an easy way to clear my position in front of the judge is to get married. But in order to do that, I need to fall in love again which won't be happening anytime soon. So in short, I was completely screwed.

There was another suggestion by dear Mom; to hire a wife, a temporary wife until this issue had been settled. Nonsense. Women are either too emotional or too clever. There was no way I could find a woman who would not try to make this arrangement permanent to get my wealth. Or worse, she would fall in love with me for real which I would never be able to reciprocate.

All in all, my life was one big mess right now.

"Another day." I stopped the hand that was dangerously close to my crotch and slid it away. The woman frowned and tried to initiate another conversation but I dismissed her and stood up to leave.

Thankfully, I had my driver waiting for me outside as I was in no way capable of driving on my own. I even had trouble walking into a straight line thanks to the alcohol in my system. On my way out, I saw multiple familiar faces with inviting looks on their faces but I kept my head straight.

As I was walking through the corridor, I saw a woman bent over the dustbin, spilling her insides out. Her dark hair was sprawled all over her back. I wonder why such women bother drinking when they can't handle their alcohol. They should do what they are best at; that is iced tea and lattes.

As I was tracking past the woman, I caught a look at her face and my eyes widened in recognition. “Ellie?” I called and her head whipped to my direction.

She squinted her eyes to get a clear look at me and recognition flashed in her eyes. “Mr. Byers?” She said and attempted to stand up but lost balance and fell back on her derriere. “Ouch.”

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