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It was my first day back to work after the trip and dare I say, I missed the hustle. I reached the office on time although Mr. Boss was going to be late today. I used the time to catch up to all the pending tasks and then rearranged my desk. I reorganized all the important files on my right and everything else on my left.

I was busy decluttering the stationary when someone knocked on my door. I wasn’t expecting any guests nor was there an important meeting today so I opened the door, revealing Mr. Byer’s daughter holding hands of her nanny. She was wearing a puffy pink frock and had some of her hair tied in a small pony on top of her head.

“Hi Ellie, where is Daddy? I want to see him.” She pouted at me.

“Uh…” I exchanged a confused look with her nanny Kelly.

“We were in the nearby park and she insisted she wanted to come here. Madam Catherine wasn’t home so I brought her here.” Kelly told me, looking conflicted whether she did the right thing.

“Daddy will be back soon. Why don’t you spend time with good old Ellie till then?” I kneeled in front of Aria and asked.

“Will you let me watch cartoons?” She asked, hesitantly leaving Kelly’s hand.

I looked at her nanny, who was playing with her fingers. “She is only allowed 30 minutes screen time.”

Ugh, rules.

“Okay. Why don’t you go take a break. I’ll call you when Mr. Byers is back.” I said to Kelly.

“But Mr. Byers—”

“If Mr. Byers can trust me with his important files, I am sure he can trust me with a child.” I gave her a reassuring smile. Once she left, I took Aria to Mr. Byers room and turned on the TV for her. I never get these rich people and their urge to monitor and control everything. Few hours of cartoons won’t harm their child, unsupervised screen time will. I grew up watching TV and I turned out just fine.

Aria’s face perked up as she saw Powerpuff girls while snacking on the caramel popcorn I ordered for her. She reminded me of those lonely kids who had everything except the attention of her parents. From what I know, her mother isn’t allowed to see her and her father hardly has time for anything other than work. I felt pity for her as I had few friends like her and they grew up to be unhinged and rebellious. It’s psychology 101.

“Hey Aria, do you have any friends?” I asked, playing with her cute little pony.

“Yes, Gracie.” She replied. Her nose was like a small button.

“Who is Gracie?” I asked.

“My doll.” She replied in an adorable voice and I felt like hugging the poor child. “I also have a friend Sarah. But Daddy doesn’t let me go to her house.”

“Why?” I asked.

“Because Mama came to meet me at Sarah’s house once.” She told me.


“Daddy doesn’t like Mama." She said and I looked away nervously, not knowing what to say.

"I'm sure they both love you." I said.

"Ellie, do you have parents?" She asked all of sudden.

"Yes, they live at a farm far far away." I said.

"All my classmates live with two parents. I only live with one.” She pouted, looking sad all of sudden, all the previous excitement evaporated.

“I am sure none of your classmates have such cute dimples. And such pretty hair. You must be God's favourite. Isn’t that great?” I poked her cheeks and she started chuckling in response. “And this is such a pretty dress. You look like a princess.” I said to divert her attention.

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