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I usually go straight to the office after dressing up but today, Mom had specifically sent an invitation to have breakfast with her and how dare I ignore that. For other people, I might be an intimidating person but my mother was the one person I was intimidated by. And for all the right reasons. Catherine Byers was a force to reckon with during my early adulthood and that fire still occasionally shows up.

I took my seat on the dining table beside her and the cook came to serve me omelet and bread. That was my staple breakfast whenever I'm home. Mom on the other hand likes Greek yogurt and boiled eggs to start her day.

"What's the news about Serena?" I was on my fifth bite when most asked, making my throat close around the food. I coughed to clear my throat and then wiped my face with the napkin.

"Is that why you stopped me for breakfast?" I asked.

"I am afraid, yes I did." She replied no apologetically.

"The lawyer said her case is strong." I replied.

"Then why have we hired the most expensive lawyers?" Mom asked.

"He said the court might favor her since she leads a stable life and I—"

"And you?"

"Uh...." I cleared my throat. "They said she might try to use my lifestyle against me." I replied.

"Oh you mean the cheap models you are often seen with in those nightclubs." Mom said sharply and I put my plate away.

"If you want to lecture me about my dating habits then I'll have to leave." I said, standing up.

"Nathan! We can't let her take Aria. That woman is evil." Mom said.

"Don't you think I know that?" I groaned. "Trust me, I'll never let her get her pawns on Aria."

"You better make sure of it." She said before calling the cook for her coffee.

"Daddy." I heard Aria's voice as she walked into the dining room with her nanny. She rushed to me and hopped over my lap, resting her head against my chest. I had been so busy the whole week that I didn't get to spend any time with her. "Can I come with you?"

"What will you do there?" I asked.

"I'll play with Ellie. I called your office yesterday and she picked up. She said she missed me too." She smiled, showing me her crooked teeth.

"Of course she did." I said under my breath.

"Do you like Ellie?" Mom asked her.

"Yes." Aria looked so enthusiastic as she talked about her.  "She is so pretty, like a fairy. I wish she was my Mom."

Her words made me choke and I coughed to clear my throat. Mom and I exchanged a look and I just shrugged in response. 

"Um... Why don't I invite her to play with you next week? She is busy on weekdays." I made an excuse and chose not to address her comment, hoping she wouldn't mention it again.

"Okay." She pouted.

After saying my goodbye to her, I left my house and went straight to the office, my mind stuck on this case the whole way.

Serena was my ex-wife but an evil bitch would be a better way to describe her. I don't know how exactly I fell in love with her and how she charmed me into marrying her. We were met in university and fell in love but her personality took a 180 degree switch few months into the marriage. And when she got bored of me, she ran away, abandoning newborn Aria and got together with one guy she told me not to worry about.

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