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Thus started the honeymoon, aka my doom.

Okay maybe I was exaggerating.

As soon as I took my seat on the plane, my heart started beating faster at the thought of going on my first international vacation. I had spent the whole last night looking at pictures of Maldives and I was fairly excited. That, and the first class plane seats, both were enough to make me forget that I was travelling with a pain in my ass.

“It’s a long drive. Get comfortable.” He said and stretched on his seat. There was a curtain around each seat to give everyone their private space, not that we were doing anything that needed privacy.

“I am fine. I would rather rest in my personal water villa.” I winked at him in excitement.

“I am pleased to know you are that eager to get rid of me.” He snarled.

“Aren’t you?” I asked.

“Very.” He replied and closed his eyes.

Honestly, a little part of me wanted to share a room with him and I was trying hard to suppress that part desperately.  Besides, I was pretty sure he didn’t want me around either. It was his plan to spend the trip separately once we were in Maldives. He might be planning to have sex with random girls all the week, which wasn’t possible back in New York. The thought was enough to cause a bitter feeling in my stomach so I would rather avoid him than see the show the whole week.

As my husband slept on, the screen in front of me kept me occupied, while I enjoyed the little cheese board the air hostess served me along with some expensive wine. Every now and then, I would turn to look at Nathan and gaze at his pretty face, thin nose and pouty lips as he lay there peacefully.

I was in no mood to sleep before but as I watched episodes of Modern Family on the LED, my eyelids started to feel heavy under the effect of wine. So I stretched the seats halfway to the back and tried to find a comfortable position. Once I had achieved that, I closed my eyes and succumbed to sleep.

The next thing I know, I was waking up after 8 hours. Nathan was nowhere to be seen which made me stressed. I hesitantly stood up to look for him but I didn’t have to look too far. He was standing a few steps away, talking to a woman whose back was towards me. His face was somewhat contorted in frustration, like he wanted to run away.

As soon as he noticed me, he smiled warmly at me, making me confused. “Sweetheart.” He walked towards me and pulled me closer lovingly. “Meet my friend Helena and this is her husband Troy.” He motioned at the middle aged man sitting in his seat, who nodded in response.

The woman turned around to face me and then extended her hand for a shake. “It’s lovely to meet you, Ellie. I was Nathan and Serena’s classmate.” She said. The woman was quite beautiful, she had platinum blonde hair that was cut into a layered bob and her bone structure was to die for.

“Hello.” I replied.

“I was just telling Nathan what a coincidence it was that Troy and I were going to the same resort in Maldives as you two are.” She said.

“Oh.” My eyes widened as my face mirrored Nathan’s frustration. “That’s um… Great.”

“Don’t worry, we won’t disturb you at all. Just a couple of meals together, what do you say?” She said enthusiastically.

“Sure.” Nathan answered for me.

After a brief conversation, we walked back to our seats and I grunted. “You gotta be kidding me. Does that mean no private water villa?”

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