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After preparing for the trip for two days, it was finally the day of our flight. I got a text from Mr. Byers in the morning, saying he will pick me up. At exactly 11 am, his car was waiting for me in front of my building. Dragging the suitcase with me, I went outside and the driver helped me get my suitcase inside the car.

I sat down in the passenger seat where Mr. Byers was silently judging me. He eyed my heavy suitcase sitting on the front seat and then said, “You know you aren’t going for a month?”

“I am a girl. I need more luggage.” I said. “Besides, I am not crazy rich that I can buy whatever I need in case of emergencies.”

“You are not crazy rich, you are just crazy.” He said and I rolled my eyes.

Not wanting to ruin my mood, I stayed silent the rest of the car drive. Once we reached the airport, it took us about half an hour in all the check-in process. Travelling all my life in economy, the first class really took me off guard. The seats were quite luxurious and spacious and they had all kinds of facilities to make it as comfortable as possible.

“Close your mouth.” Mr. Byers appeared behind me, making me realise my mouth was wide open.

“It wasn't open.” I lied and took a seat. “I am just surprised you don’t have a private plane.”

“Do you know how harmful private planes are to the environment?” He said.

“I didn’t know you were an environmentalist.” I said sarcastically.

“You don’t know anything about me, Miss. Anderson.” He said in a deep voice. Although the seats had enough distance between them, I still felt unnerved due to Mr. Byers' towering presence beside me. And it was partly because he smelled really nice, like wood and peaches. Now that I noticed it, he always smelled nice, so fresh and masculine.

Ugh, why are you thinking about his cologne El, don't you have anything else to do?

I tried to get comfortable in my seat and played a movie on the LED screen in front of me. Mr. Byers, on the other hand, wasted his time working on his laptop. An hour into the flight, I started to feel hungry. The first class provided an amazing menu but the dishes were quite expensive. My boss might have seen me drooling over them as he stated, “The food is on the company's budget. Order whatever you want.”

“Can I order this fancy steak?” I asked in an excited voice.

“Whatever you want.” He said, eyeing me amusingly.

“Okay, if you insist.” I said and then licked my lips. “Can I get a Wagyu steak with roasted potatoes on the side? And a Virgin Mojito? Um… And this butterscotch pudding for dessert?” I said to the woman.

Contrary to my order, the boss just ordered a sandwich and coffee. Who in their right mind would choose that over such a mouth watering menu?

The air hostess nodded and left with my order. When she returned, my stomach grumbled at the heavenly sight of the tender Wagyu. I never had the chance to eat it before and the first bite was worth all the hype. It was so smooth and buttery and almost melted in my mouth. I washed it down with the Mojito and once the plate was wiped clean, I was served the pudding. The sweetness made me moan unintentionally in pleasure, that earned me a strange look from Mr. Byers.

I died a little in embarrassement and glued my eyes to the TV screen to avoid catching a glimpse of him.


Now that my stomach was full, I spent the rest of the flight sleeping. Mr. Byers was the one who woke me up and that’s when I realized I had drool on my face. Embarrassed, I followed him out of the plane, handling both of our suitcases.

"Chivalry is really dead." I groaned behind him as I tried to match his pace.

"You've had enough food and rest. Some workout won't kill you." He smirked. "Besides, I'm a feminist. I can't treat you different than my male assistants on the basis of your gender."

"Cool. Really cool, Mr. B." I said.

He rolled his eyes and got both suitcases out of my hand. "Better?"

"Yes." I nodded, trying to control my laughter.

Once we checked out, we looked for the car sent by the hotel and loaded our luggage in it.

The hotel was just five minutes away from the airport. The hotel building was truly magnificent and while walking through the door, I felt like I was entering a castle. Well, it better be a great experience because I was the one who booked it and they did charge a fortune for a two-night stay.

"Stop gawking and go ask for the rooms." Mr. Byers said to me as we reached the lobby. I moved out of the trance and rushed forwards to the counter.

"Hello, I've booked a double deluxe suite by the name of Mr. Nathan Byers." I told the receptionist.

She did some checks and then sent someone to guide us to the room. The man helped carry our luggage and led us to the last floor where all the deluxe suites were located.

"Do you always waste so much money when you travel? How are you still rich?" I asked while we were in the elevator.

"Consider it an investment. This helps me get recharged and then I can work harder to earn more." He said arrogantly.

"Your Math isn't Math-ing." I said.

"Your brain isn't brain-ing, Miss. Anderson." He retorted.

"Whatevs." I said dismissively.

Once inside the suite, the guy gave us a mini tour. It was a spacious place with two bedrooms and a sitting lounge with an attached kitchen. The room had almost everything we would need for a comfortable stay here.

Despite being luxurious, it had a homely touch to it. I wished I could just ditch my apartment and spend the rest of my life in a hotel. Imagine not having to worry about buying groceries or cleaning the apartment.

Once he left, Mr. Byers sat down on the couch and loosened his tie. He looked somewhat tired; a flight can do that to you. As he opened the top button of his shirt, I saw a hint of bronze skin peeking through it and it caused me to blush. This man might be a piece of shit but he was devilishly handsome. I just wished I would be able to avoid gawking at him throughout my stay here.

"Should I order dinner by room service or reserve a table downstairs?" I said, staring at my feet.

"Let me freshen up and take a nap first. We'll meet downstairs at 9." He said and walked into his room.

Nodding, I went to the other room and hopped on the inviting bed without changing first. The bed had the softest mattress I have ever used. My back felt like it was on cloud nine and a groan involuntarily left my mouth.

The room was quite big and it had a ceiling high glass wall peeking from behind the curtain. It gave the vibes of 90's classic playboy billionaire's bedroom, all that was missing was a glass of wine in my hands and a skinny model on my bed.

I tried to take a nap but I was too excited to feel sleepy. Besides, I had spent most of the flight sleeping so I didn't feel the need anymore. Instead, I went straight to the bathroom and just as I had expected, it had a jacuzzi in the middle.

I filled the jacuzzi with warm water and added bath salts that smelled like oranges. I took my time pampering myself with all the imported hygiene products. By the time I left the bathroom in the bathrobe, I was clean as a newborn.

I wanted to feel classy today, like I really belonged here and not as just someone’s secretary so I took my time to dress up in a plain blue silk jumpsuit and blow dried my hair. I wanted to feel classy today, like I really belonged here and not as just someone’s secretary. By the time I left my room, Mr. Byers had already left, making me realize I was a few minutes late. Sliding my feet in my sandals, I rushed out of the room and then to the elevator.


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