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It was my first day at my new job. I had received an email containing my official contract and boy he was right; the salary was more than I could imagine. I could serve two more Nathan Byers for this kind of money.

I dressed up in a baby blue T-shirt and jeans initially but then I realized I didn't look like the personal assistant of the CEO of a multinational company. But then, I didn't have a better option in my cupboard.

Deciding to go for a shop later tonight, I wore black pants with a royal blue button down I borrowed from Max. She was petite so the shirt was a little tight on me but I had no other choice.

I took the bus to the office and sighed in relief when reached in time. It was 7:30 and there was still half an hour to go. Perfect.

I went to the secretary's office – my office – and grinned at how beautiful it was. It was painted in maroon and beige, with white dainty furniture. It had two doors, one led to the bathroom and the other probably led to the CEO's office.

I took a quick look at the old secretary's diary and then noted down all the things that were on to-do list before Mr. Byer's arrival. It was weird that the secretary didn't stay to give over to me face to face but maybe she had an emergency and had to resign.

I then went into Mr. Byer's office and one by one, finished all the tasks from the list. His office was huge, painted in different shades of greys. From the ceiling high windows, one could easily take a look at the whole New York.

"Ehm." Someone cleared the throat behind me and I jumped up in my position.

I turned around to find Mr. Nathan Byers standing behind me. Maintaining my composure, I walked towards him and handed him his morning coffee. Yes, it was one of the to-dos.

I wasn't going to give him a reason to fire me because from what I've heard, he loved to do that. I needed money to stay in New York and this arrogant man was my only chance at that.

He looked really dapper in the grey business suit and his hair was styled back. He had a pair of glasses on and it gave him a weird sexy-ish aura. I didn't know I had a thing for men with glasses before.

He walked around his office and noticed everything; today's newspaper on the coffee table, all the files kept neatly on his desk, all the meetings of today listed on his planner, the heater set to 29°, his favourite business talk show running on the LED.

"Don't expect any praises." He finally spoke.

"I don't." I said and excused myself, leaving him to his morning ritual. I was halfway out through the door when he called me.

"You will be given your salary in advance this month. Buy yourself clothes that fit you." He said and that's when I noticed it; one of the buttons of my shirt was popped open and my pink bra could be seen through it.


"Oh God!" My face flushed red in embarrassment and I groaned.

"And if you are wearing it intentionally, don't bother." He said with a smirk.

"Listen, you—" Before I could speak further, my mind went to the six figure yearly salary that was in my contract. "It wasn't intended that way, Mr. Byers. And if the sight of my undergarments is such a distraction, I'd change my wardrobe today." I said professionally.

He rolled his eyes at this and picked up the newspaper. "I need you to go to the storage unit and pick out the finance reports of our London project from 2011-2019. After that, I want to bring a summary of all the expenditures during that time." He said.

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