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Ellie had probably gone to sleep so I didn't wake her up and went downstairs alone. There was a buffet going on downstairs so I looked for a plate. While doing so, I came across another businessman from New York that I had met before in conferences. He was the closest to my age here so we did some formal chit chat while filling our plates with some appetizers.

"We gotta stop running into each other at conferences and actually plan a lunch back in NYC." He said.

"Sounds like a nice plan." I shrugged.

"So you're alone?" He asked. "No subordinates?"

"Actually I came with my secretary but she is slee-"

My voice was caught in my throat when I saw Ellie enter through the door and I must admit she cleans up nice. She looked elegant in the blue jumpsuit hugging her subtle curves, the low neckline giving a hint of her pale decolletage. Her hair looked shiny and volumnous and her skin was gleaming. Nobody could say she had just spent 7 hours holed up in an airplane.

"You were saying something." He asked but I was too distracted. I tried to look back but my eyes went to her again.

When her eyes met mine, she waved her hand awkwardly and then walked over to me. "Wow, somebody is hungry." She commented on seeing my plate.

"Well, somebody didn't eat a three-course meal on the plane." I said and she pouted. Her lips were painted in red today; soft, red and luscious. Red lips were my weakness and I couldn't stop gawking. My mind went to imagine how it would feel to take them in between my teeth and bite them.

Focus. I shook my head.

"Won't you introduce us?" The guy beside me cleared his throat.

"Uh... Yeah. Miss. Anderson, this is Sean Mitch from Mitch Jewellers and Sean, this is Miss. Ellie Anderson, my secretary." I said. They both exchanged pleasant smiles but I didn't like the way Sean stared at her. It was almost like how I stared at her, with googly admiring eyes.

What is wrong with me?

Sean then started to converse with her and I felt annoyed at both. I know I'm not the best at small talk but they didn't even try to include me. And Ellie! She was all preppy and chirpy with him while with me, she always had a snark reply sitting at the tip of her tongue.

Excusing myself, I left them both to talk and make their way towards the girl in the other corner of the hall who was sending smiles towards me.

"You're Nathan Byers, right. I have heard about you." She said in a giggly voice.

"And you are?" I asked.

"Natasha. I am a hand model for the catalogue." She smirked, grazing my arm with her dainty fingers.

My eyes went to Ellie and I found her laughing at something Sean said. Clenching my jaw, I held Natasha's wrist and placed a small kiss on her palm. "I might have better use for your hands."

She laughed like a hyena at my words. "Aren't you charming, Mr. Byers?" She said.

"I try." I smirked as she shoved her hand towards my mouth again, making me kiss it.

"In which room are you staying?" She asked.

My eyes wavered again and this time, Sean was standing alone. I looked around and realized Ellie was sitting on a table alone, engrossed in eating. "Um... Actually, I'm busy tonight. Some other night maybe."

"But..." She began to speak something but I didn't hear.

I ditched the redhead and made my way to Ellie's table. I sat down beside her, expecting her to react but she just kept stuffing her mouth.

"We are on a business trip so if that guy was trying to charm his way into sleeping with you, you are not allowed to do so." I said dryly.

Her nostrils flared up at this and she stabbed the steak in her plate with the knife. "Business trip? Were you trying to find a new client in her hands? With your mouth?" She asked, catching me off guard because I didn't know she saw that.

"I am not answerable to you." I said, trying to keep my cool.

"Hypocrite." She said under her breath. "Besides, he wasn't trying to charm his way into anything."

"Yeah, men are saints. Why would they be interested in sleeping with pretty girls?" I said sarcastically.

"You are a man too." She pointed out.

"I don't find you pretty." I shrugged. Her face turned red in indignation and she stood up to leave.


I groaned, pulling my hair in frustration. Somehow I always end up saying the wrong thing in front of her and make her angry.

As she walked over to that guy again, I nodded at Natasha to follow me and she got excited in return. As we entered the elevator together, her mouth found its way to my neck and she began peppering sloppy kisses on it.

"Have some patience, love." I said, stepping away from her. To be honest, I really wasn't in the mood of sex tonight, I just needed some distraction.

Finally inside the suite, I picked her up and took her to the bedroom. She locked her mouth with me, that smelled like fish that she had probably eaten, making me nauseous. I broke the kiss of immediately and took some deep exhales.

Putting her down on the bed, I took off my shirt and sat down on the edge of the bed. Natasha moaned seductiely and took off her dress, revealing the black lingerie she was wearing underneath. Usuaully, that would have turned me on but there was still no movement downstairs, unlike how it perked up on seeing Ellie downstairs in full clothes.

I began to kiss her neck, hoping it would have some positive effect on my sex drive but she kept moaning out loudly repeatedly, making me feel annoyed at her. Who told her she needed to pretend this much? I might be good in bed but nobody turns into a cat with just a few kisses.

"Um.. you know what, why don't we meet some other day? I have a headache." I said, excusing myself.


"I am really not feeling well. You don't want me to vomit on you during sex, do you?" I said.

"No. Of course not." She said in a horrified voice.

"So be a sweetheart and close the door after you leave." Saying that, I lay down on the bed and closed my eyes. I heard the door open and then close, after which I peeked through my eyelids and sighed in relief when I saw no sign of her.

I then groaned out loud in frustration. That was the first time I had refused sex and it had something to do with that fiesty woman sharing the suite with me. The last time someone had that kind of effect on me, I was left heartbroken and betrayed. But this time, I sure as hell won't repeat my mistakes.


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