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"You won't touch me." I said, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

Mr. Byers lifted his eyes from the piece of paper and stared at me with his soul-piercing green eyes.

"I assure you Miss. Anderson, that won't be an issue." He said, smirking.

Currently, we were sitting in his office, discussing the terms of our marriage. It was Max’s advice to get everything in writing so Richie Rich doesn't screw me over. His lawyer was sitting on our side, jotting down everything. 

“What about my job?” I asked in an assertive tone.

“You can’t work as my secretary now, can you?” He said casually.

“I won’t always be Mrs. Nathan Byers, so I can’t afford a career gap.” I stressed.

“Then it’s a bit of a predicament.” He said, clicking his tongue, irritating me with his callousness.

“I can’t work as your secretary but I can work in some other department.” I proposed.

“You can work under Drake.” He said. That reminded me of Drake, Nathan’s cute best friend, with whom I had once agreed to go on a dinner date. Great. How am I going to explain to him that I'm marrying his friend?

“You need to call my father and ask him for my hand.” I added another clause.

“And why would I do that?” He asked, lifting his eyebrows.

“Because I said so.” I mimicked his eyebrow-lifting and the condescending scowl. “You will be nice and respectful and you need to make him believe you’re in love with me.”

“Should I send him a picture of me with googly lovestruck eyes too?” He teased and I exhaled loudly in exasperation. Before I could stand up and leave, he raised his hands in defeat. “Fine. I’ll do that.”

“See. You have already started to act like an obedient husband, Mr. Byers.” I smirked and took my seat again.


It was Sunday but it wasn’t an ordinary Sunday. Instead, it might be the most happening Sunday of my life.

I was being dragged from one luxury boutique to the other, to shop for the wedding. Catherine, alongwith Aria, was accompanying me, which was understandable considering she was the one paying for everything. Aria on the other hand, kept smiling with her toothy grin the whole way. She was just excited to be with me and be a part of the whole fiasco.

“Ellie, should I call you Mommy now?” She said as we entered another boutique to buy handbags for me. As fiance of The Nathan Byers, I was required to maintain my appearance from now onwards.

“Uhh…” I didn’t know how to answer Aria’s question.

“You can, if you like her more than Sabrina Mommy.” Catherine said and I furrowed my brows at that. She was being manipulative with a 5-year-old and I hated that.

I kneeled to her level and pinched her cheeks. “You can call me Mama.” I smiled. I could feel Catherine frowning at my response but if I was going to fulfill my part of the deal, I was going to do it my way.

“Okay, Ellie.” She grinned. “I mean, Ellie Mama.”

The boutique had a collection of luxury handbags that I wouldn’t even dream of buying. The price tag was enough to make me feel nauseous. “Are these absolutely necessary?” I asked Catherine who asked the owner to show us the three best pieces in the whole shop. I could fulfill my part of the deal without becoming something I was not.

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