Late Night Comforts

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[Husk pov]

It was late , very late and angel hadn't come back yet , this wasn't unusual for the spider like demon but it still didn't make me feel easy each time it happened.

I'm unsure why I feel like this , to him of all demons. I suppose though he annoyed me...and unbelievable amount ,I did consider him a friend at the minimum. We'd shared some laughs on late nights such as this.

I sat at the bar , in my usual spot waiting for him , my arms leaning on the counter , a long slender claw tapping on the wooden top. The olive tinted glass bottle next to me remaining half full , as if  abandoned.

"Where the fuck is he.."

Not a moment later a familiar slender figure crept through the door , hair a mess and make up seemingly gone , his usually neat suit crumpled and bow tie tilted out of place. He stumbling slightly as if trying to not make a sound. A flash of relief caused me to breathe out deeply , shoulders relaxing. This caught the attention of the spider who started shakily walking towards the bar.

"Ooohh husky~! Did you wait up for me baby~? That's so sweeeeet of you" he slurred sitting down across from me , arms laying in the counter as he looked at me with big , drunken eyes.

"Where the fuck have you been."
I snarled back With an annoyed tone , turning to grab him a glass of water and a shot of tequila. Placing them in front him and crossing my arms. I felt embarrassed that I'd waited for him , though I can always lie and say Charlie forced me to.

"Work baby , it's no biggy , I'm only an 'our or two past when I'd normally come home. Why did ya miss me , kitten~?"

He smirked , using his lower limbs to push up his chest fluff whilst his upper limbs grabbed the drinks in front of him. I hated when he'd pretend to be all flirty with me, this is t him. We both know it.

"It's 4 am Angel. Not 1. You're 5 hours late...everything ok down at the studio?" The soft tone in my voice seemed to startle both me and Angel , his fade softened from his smirk , he gave a gentle sigh.

"Eh..val being val I guess .. just wish it wasn't me he was obsessed with, ya know?" Angels eyes stared down the glass he was cradling , nearly mumbling. My ears lower and I gingerly place my claw out onto his free hand that was placed on the bar.

"Well , I'll be your ear if you need me , yeh? After all.. I am your bartender." I say sheepishly , unsure what exactly to say , hoping that this would suffice. I'd never been good with words , or comforting others even in life.

I didn't let my hand linger as I picked up the empty shot glass and turning to swill it out, planning on washing it tomorrow morning.

"Thanks husky..I appreciate ya.. though I s'pose I should go to bed. Don' wanna keep ya up longer than ya have been." He spoke with a soft tone in reply. He smiled and got up , taking his glass of water with him. His aura seeming satisfied with how the talk went.

"Night husk." With that he turned and walked towards the stairs waving a free hand in my direction.

"Later , Angel." I nodded and began closing the bar up properly , debating downing my abandoned drink or just pouring it down the sink. Shrugging I chugged the remaining half of the bottle before swilling it out and placing it in the bin.

[Angel Pov]

A rough knocking from my door woke me with a start , groaning with annoyance I glared at the door. Hoping whoever was on the other side would know I hated them right now.

"Angel!!! Common get up!" The squeaky voice of nifty called out , continuing the knocking "it's already 12pm!" I could hear the annoyance in her voice. Chosing not to deal with nifty's wrath I quickly donned an oversized blue hoodie with 'Angel Dust' embroidered on the back with glitter and some lilac , pink and blue mixed galaxy leggings.

With a swift pull I opened the door. Not caring that I looked like death reincarnated. "I'm up, my god nif." I sighed looking down at the cyclops far below me. She grinned and sped off , assuming she was going to get cleaning equipment I shrugged and picked up fat nugget who was still snuggled on the spare pillow, closing the door behind me and wondered downstairs towards the foyer.

Guess I did keep him up late waiting...

As I walked past the bar I noticed that husk wasn't in his usual spot , a saddened feeling washed over me momentarily as I kept walking.

Husk was someone special, he didn't want my advances , didn't react to my flirts positively.. he just acted like a friend. He liked me for Antony...not angel dust. And I cared deeply about him because of it. Did I have a crush on him? Probably but I know he isn't into guys so I'm never going to act on it seriously.

As I wondered into the kitchen the smell of pancakes filled my nostrils , looking towards the oven I saw Charlie and Al talking as Charlie cooked. The conversation didn't interest me as it revolved around the hotel , and fuck me ain't that type of talk boring as fuck.

Reaching over I grabbed fat nuggets food bowl and filled it with kibble, placing it and my pig down to eat. Sitting down at the table I noticed vaggie staring me down, a slight smirk on her face.
"Take a photo. It'll last ya longer , toots"

"You look like shit." As she spoke her slight smirk turned into a full on shit eating grin.

"Well, at least I look like something. Can't say the same for you. What type of demon even are you??" I laughed daring her silently to start this fight , resting my head on my upper hands as my lower ones grab the coffee pot and a mug from the side of me.

"Urgh , god your impossible." She growled getting up and leaving the room.

Not a moment later nifty poked her head around the open door "uh..Charlie? Alestor? We have a ...situation...again" she looked concerned as she spoke , holding up a bag of what sounded like glass bottles.

"Not again..." Charlie sighed as she and Al left the kitchen.

My eyes followed in confusion. What's going on...

His Listening Ear [A HuskerDust Story]Where stories live. Discover now