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[Husks Pov]

I had long since calmed down , regretting speaking to Angel that way. But what would I do? Not like I can call him and apologise, I'd broke my phone.

With a heavy sigh i turned my attention to the drinks behind me, biting my lip as I looked up at the magnificent selection. Al really had outdone himself when it came to variety , I'll give him that.

One couldn't hurt right..?

Taking a bottle of whiskey and a glass , I opened the bottle , getting a scent of the glorious liquid within I took a swig from the bottle without thinking, I felt the familiar burn of alcohol as it went down my throat. Smiling gently I continued drinking. Not to soon after the bottle had been downed, the glass in front of me remaining untouched.

Blinking at the empty bottle before me , I sighed , swilling it out and placing it in the bin , covering it in napkins and other trash so that Charlie or vaggie wouldn't find it.

Left alone with alcohol for one hour and you give in. How bloody pathetic, hector.

I heard angels voice in my mind , thick with disgust and anger at what I'd done. With a groan of sadness I rested my head in my hands , ears pinned backwards. I missed the feeling of alcohol , the way it stopped the pain , the feeling of guilt and self loathing washing away with each bottle I opened. But I'd promised Charlie. I'd broken her trust , her faith in me.

Thoughts of hatred circled my mind , they were driving me insane , I needed to stop them. Within seconds I had yet other bottle of whiskey in my hands , my claws almost tearing the cork in half as I took it out. Moments later I'd drank the whole bottle.

Again and again I tore off corks , downing the Intoxicating liquid. Bottle after bottle being thrown carelessly in the bin as I drank myself into numbness.

No feelings of hatred , no thoughts of angel. Nothing.

Just booze.

[Angels Pov]

I had long since left the hotel , and was now just arriving at the studio , and was heading up towards the top floor, as per Vals request.

The lift came to a stop , the intoxicating flumes of vals smoke seeped in the small boxed area that I was in. I knew he was there, waiting.

Gaining up the confidence of Angel dust , I stepped out the the elevator, ready to take whatever shit Val threw my way. Walking into the set room I smiled with fake excitement , my eyes set on Val in his director chair.

His face was wounded , claw marks from his chin to just below his eyebrow , deep and wide. I walked up to him , faking concern.

"Heya Val~ oh my gosh! What happened , are you ok~?" I cooed , his smile growing gently as I spoke , he pulled me onto his lap and kissed me aggressively.

Was this cheating?
Was I cheating on husk just by being here?

He grabbed my face , forcing me to open my mouth as his slimy tongue stuffed itself into it. I had to fight the urge to bite down. He groped my ass tightly , as his filthy hands began rubbing my body. I didn't want this. I didn't want him.

After a few moments he pulled away , letting me go , causing me to fall onto the floor. He smirked as he lifted my chin with his foot.

"Good boy~" he cooed before kicking me , causing me to sprawl out onto the set floor. "Now hurry the fuck up and get into costume. Do NOT make me have to come in there again, Angel."

"Yeh Val , I'll be out in 10." I muttered , picking myself off the floor and almost legging it into the dressing room. Scanning around I noticed a slender white outfit with matching boots and gloves.

Rolling my eyes I donned it , not bothering with my make up this time to avoid vals Anger. Hopefully I looked acceptable enough that Val wouldn't notice, or rather , not hit me because of it.

I made my way onto the set , sitting myself on the bed and looking over to Val.

"Don't you look lovely , my little angel~" his head tilted , the smirk on his face growing as he lifted up a directors megaphone. "Now...Action-!"

His Listening Ear [A HuskerDust Story]Where stories live. Discover now