Losers , Baby

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[Husk Pov]

Angel has gone quiet , sipping on his drink with his head resting on his hand. I felt bad for pushing him away but I didn't want Al to stumble across us. I didn't want Angel to be made into a pawn for the sick games he forced me to partake in.

"Hey , I'm sorry legs , you know I want you close to me.. I'm just worried that -"

"Someone would see you getting cuddly with a porn star? That you wouldn't wanna be seen with me?
He mumbled , his eyes focused on the bar counter that his arms were resting on.

"What? 'Tony no. I'm not embarrassed to be seen with you. I'm trying to protect you , damn it." I growled slightly , offended Angel would think I didn't want to be seen with him.

"From what? S'not like Al can do anything. My soul already has an owner." He frowned , looking up at me , his eyes misted over , as if he was fighting back tears.

"Antony. If Val found out you had a boyfriend, what would he do. Be honest." I sighed , placing my hand softly on his , his frown turned into fear , almost as if he realised something.

"I-I'm not meant to date anyone , it's in my contract that I will always and forever love only Val" he stammered , putting a hand through his hair stressfully. "I'd completely forgotten.."

"Hey , it's ok. It's a good thing we only like like each other!" I chuckled awkwardly, hoping the joke would land , Angel just stared me down , a single tear escaping his demonic eyes.

"I love you , Hector."

He spoke quietly , almost making Impossible to hear though luckily for me , my cat like ears could just about pick it up. My eyes widened as blush grew upon my face.

"I have since you saved me from the scumbags trying to drug my drink..." he softly swilled the remaining liquid in his glass as he spoke .
"I'm aware it's not been long . And I doubt you feel as strongly yet. But I just wanted to put it out there."

"Ah- well...yeh you might have a problem" I chuckle nervously, trying to force a smile. Did I love Antony? I felt strongly towards him but was I ready to say I love you back...I was unsure.
"Hey. Whatever Al or Val throw our way , we can get through it together yeh? I've already sliced open vals face once and you-"

"What that was you??" He stared into my eyes , a smile peeking. "He was messed the fuck up! How'd you do that?"

Raising my hand , I softly flexed them , showing off how sharp my claws were. With a smirk I shrugged. "Perks of being a cat demon , I guess"

We both laughed softly, leaning in a little to each other. "Seriously though. I can fend off Val, you can count on me , Antony."

"And I can fend off Smiles ... losers?" He asked offering his hand out. Smiling I took it and bought it up to my mouth , kissing it gently.

"Losers , baby. Forever" I purred closing my eyes , I hope he wasn't upset I didn't say I loved him. But I know that eventually I would , and that he would be willing to wait.

I'm so happy you're in my life , my Antony..

[Angels Pov]

Pulling my hand away I sat up , stretching my upper arms above my head. Smirking at husk I decided to tease him.

"So , last night. How was ya first time , kitten~" I winked , his face grew red with blush. His calming smile turned into a scowl of annoyance and embarrassment.

"It was... ok" he muttered , clearly wanting to change the conversation, though saying it was ok , how dare he offend me like that!

"Only ok?? Am I losing my touch?" I frowned , pouring my lip , as I rested my head on my hands once again. He rolled his eyes and moved his face inches from mine.

"You know it was the best sex I'd ever fucking had , live or death. Don't make me spell it out to stroke your ego or you won't be having anything else stroked ever again." He growled , the sound sending shivers down my back , turning me on as he spoke.

With a laugh I kissed his forehead and got up. "Yeh yeh , your all talk and no bite , Husky~ I know you want me as badly as I want you!" I cooed , blowing him a kiss and my arms slid down my sides , striking a seductive pose.

With a huff he touched up my empty glass and turned around , ignoring me.

"You know I don't like it when you act like this , Angel." He sighed , turning the tap on and swilling out the glass. The slight sadness in his voice caused me to stop , rubbing my arm and biting my lip.

Had I gone too far..?

With a sigh I turned round and made for the door , having to leave for work. I looked back quickly to see if husk had noticed me leaving , but to my dismay he was still turned round ; seemingly annoyed with me.

Pushing the door open I stepped out into the midday sun. Breathing in deeply I pushed up my chest and began walking towards the studio , faking confidence to hopefully get through what hell Val has in store.

My mind flashed back to his clawed face , and to the shit eating grin husk had in when he revealed he'd caused Val pain. It made me feel safe.

I was unsure how to go about the 'no boyfriend' clause in my contract , so I was glad deep down that husk wanted it on the down low.  Even if it made me sad to have to hide my affection for the handsome demon in public.

Maybe I can talk to Val about amending the contract?
He was reasonable once Apon a time , and hell , he's in a serious relationship with vox , so maybe he'd be fine with me having a partner!

With determination I stepped into the studio lobby , a plan formulating in my head as to how to ask Val, and how excited husk would be when I'd get it changed. Then our only deal would be Al! And I can protect husk from Al easy!

I'll be able to let the world know I love Hector.

His Listening Ear [A HuskerDust Story]Where stories live. Discover now