A Gamblers "Gift"

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[Angels Pov]

Waking slowly , I heard a soft sniffling and oinking beside my face , before the warm tongue of my pet began licking me relentlessly.

"Aaah Nugs! I'm up I'm up!" I chuckled sleepily , gently sitting up as he climbed onto my lap , my side screaming in pain.

With a sharp gasp I bent over , fat nugget jumping out my lap in surprise. "A-ah...sorry Nugs... that dickhead messed my side up bad... but don't worry! Daddy got it all fixed up! Just hurts a lil is all!" I smile wearily down to the concerned looking piglet.

Petting him on the head I got up , my lower arms hugging my stomach as I got his water and food bowl prepped for him. "It's a good thing I keep emergency food in here huh! I dunno if I can carry you right now , fat nugget" I sigh placing it down for him to eat.

I quickly shower and before long I was stood in front of my wardrobe , staring at my naked body in the mirror.

Holy shit angel , you look fuckin' awful...
Husk saw you like this..

Gently taking a hand to my hair , using my fingers as a brush I used my other arm to grab a deep grey sweater , and black shorts. As I got changed I couldn't help but wonder about husk.

He didn't seem drunk last night , I mean , he smelt like liquor but it was only faint , and he seemed to get uncharacteristically angry once I'd explained why val had done this to me. He just seemed more... aware?

With a shake of my head I wondered out into the halls , hearing the scuttling of tiny bug like feet I knew nifty was close by , and so I wondered towards it, soon coming across her dusting frantically.

"Mornin' Nif." I smiled , she turned to face me , cocking her head to the side.

"You look terrible , what happened to your eye?" She quizzed , within seconds she had climbed up my back and was perched on my shoulder , her eye inches away from my bruised one.

"Work happened , it looks worse than it is , don't worry" I shrugged , gently pulling her off me with my arms and placing her back on the ground. A thought suddenly struck my mind. "Could I ask ya summin?"

"Of course! How can I be of service!" With a smile she turned back to dusting , though her eye never left me. Honestly it made me increasingly nervous.

"So uh... you've known husk a while right? Since ya both unda...yaknow..contact?" I sat on the floor , wanting to get to her level , and saving the pain I'd end up with by constantly looking down at the small demon. "What was husk like.. before that do ya know?"

"Oh he was a demonic nightmare!" She said with a giggle. "A reaaallllyyyy bad bad boy~" she said seductively whilst putting a finger to her lips. With a giggle she came closer to me , almost teleporting there with how fast she ran over. These words caused a confused look to form on my face.

Demonic nightmare?

"You know his past right?" She questioned with a head tilt , her eye never leaving mine. "He was an overlord! The solider of fortune they would call him. His luck was unmatched , he gathered souls with ease! His power almost matched Als!" Her eye shone , almost as if I could see the countless souls taken in it. Her smile growing with a sickening giggle.

"Then Al Tricked Him , Cheated A Game , and won over Husks soul." She huffed , crossing her arms. "Now he's that, just a lame drunk , he hasn't used his power in years.. even when Al tries to force him! What a loser.." she said her arm jabbing out towards the stairs , where we could hear the monotone grumbles of the cat demon below.

"...not gambling for souls makes someone a loser?" I ask in an accusatory tone , frowning down at the bug demon. With a shrug she sped away , her eyes now focused on a beetle running past us.

His Listening Ear [A HuskerDust Story]Where stories live. Discover now