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[Husks Pov]

This was a bad idea..

Angel had been in his room for over an hour. I was starting to get a pit in my stomach, the thoughts that he hated it and that I was no better than his creepy fans kept filling my mind.

No one had known I'd done it other than the pig, and who the hell would he even be able to tell. I'd sat at the bar pretending to listen to an overexcited Charlie talk to me about my sobriety plan , her not knowing I was waiting to see if my bet would pay off or not.
She'd finally wondered off when Vaggie saw I was just ignoring her.

I flipped a poker chip between my claws in anticipation, fighting the urge to use my Liquid luck to turn the odds in my favour.
As much as I wanted Angel to be my partner , I didn't want to mess with his head to get the desired outcome , I knew the payoff would feel better if it was his own choice , but after an hour of waiting? I think I've lost this bet.

With a heavy sigh and rested my arms on the counter , putting my head down. Ears flattening as my hat fell into the counter in front of me. Closing my eyes I imagined a disgusted angel , burning the gifts I'd gotten him.

My wrists stung as I rested on them , but I didn't care. I just wanted to feel something , anything other than this feeling of Rejection. I didn't even lift my head when someone wondered up to the counter , only mumbling at them. "Fuck off"

"Really husk. What's got you in such a bad
Mood anyway." Vaggie frowned , poking me gently. Looking up I just started at her blankly.

"I need alcohol. I'm not drinking alcohol. I feel like I'm fucking dying , yet I have to sit here , pretending I'm peachy." I growled , my claws scratching against the bar counter slightly.

This was part true , I hadn't had a drink all day ,
And it had began to catch up with me , the headache worsening, though I'd only just noticed it as I'd been so focused on Angel up until now.

I didn't want them knowing about my feelings for Angel so I decided to lean into the sobriety bullshit.

Thinking about it , I realised that I was going through withdrawal, my wrists and throat were screaming in pain , and my heart was aching from the feeling of rejection, today was shit.

"Ah..yeh I guess that's a valid reason.. wanna take the rest of the day off? It's pretty dead anyway, Angel hasn't bothered reappearing and he's really the only one who uses the bar anyway."
Vaggie tried to seem caring , but hearing angels name caused my heart to sink lower , the feeling of wanting to throw up growing in my throat.

"Y-yeh..sure. " taking a stand I walked out the bar area and towards my room , everything had started to spin but I didn't want Vaggie and Charlie worrying about me or seeing the cuts. Almost running to my room I slammed the door
Closed behind me and ran to the bathroom , clinging to the toilet bowl and throwing up.
Everything had finally gotten to me.

You're fucking pathetic , husk...


I'd taken a bath , making sure to use everything in the gift basket to prepare myself for facing husk. This is more than anything I could have ever imagined.

I'd never received such a sweet gift , yes I'd gotten flowers and chocolate and gross lingerie from fans and such , but a Cosy sweater that matches one for fat nugget? Bath bombs that smell like roses? It was all so romantic! I loved feeling.. loved.

With these thoughts I blushed deeply , looking at myself in the mirror. The sweater was purposefully baggy , as if husk knew I enjoyed my comfy clothes over the revealing ones. This meant he was paying attention to what I wore, and that made me smile.

I gently fluffed my hair , trying to look my best , before scooping up fat nugget and leaving my room. "We match baby! How gorgeous do we look , Nugs?" I cooed , my lovely little piglet oinking excitedly back.

Walking down the stairs , my face fell from the smile I had when I saw the princess and Vaggie at the bar , but no husk.

"Hey." I said , trying not have them hear the disappointment in my voice, as I walked up to the bar. "Where's small , grumpy and drunk?" I said in a jokey tone , nodding towards the counter , where husk would normally be stood.

"He's going through withdrawal. He's not had a drop of alcohol at all today Angel! Isn't that wonderful!" Charlie beamed , clasping her hands together.

"What? Ha! He's probably going through hell right now!" I said , donning my persona , though I was terrified for him and what he could be going through. "Spose I'll go check on him though , I get the whole going sober shit." I laughed again , swaying as I walked towards the staff quarters.

"Thank you Angel!" I heard Charlie call out behind me. When I was far enough away , I dropped the act , biting my lip with worry as I stood outside his room , bracing myself before going in , letting nugget onto the floor I closed the door behind me , locking it.

"Husk? You ok?" I asked into the darkened room , scanning it I saw he wasn't in there , moving further into the room , I noticed the door to his bathroom open.


Pushing the door open I saw the cat demon curled up on the floor , shaking , him breathing heavily.
I sat next to him , rubbing his wings gently.

"It's gonna be ok , hec" he was having a panic attack, a nasty one at that , he glanced up hyperventilating , tears streaming down his eyes , mouth opening and closing like a goldfish.

"Just try to breath with me, deep breath in.."

As I took a deep breath in I smiled gently at him , he tried to do the same , attempting to sit up.

"Deep breath out...let's repeat it ok? We'll get through this together." Breathing out , husk tried to match me , his breath shakey. We repeated this process for a few minutes.

I knew what it was like , the panic , the feeling that you can't breath , the uncontrollable pain that would just build , I wanted to help him , I was determined I would.

Once he had calmed down , he wiped his eyes , growling gently , I kept my hand on his wing , using my other 3 to pull him into a tight hug.

"Thanks.." his gruff deep voice was shaky , he just cling to me , hiding his face in my chest, "god I'm fucking pathetic." He laughed softly , his voice cracking.

With a gentle eyeroll I just kept hugging him. Rocking us gently as I thought. "Hey.. I gotta comfort my guy , don't I?" With a gentle giggle, husk moved away slightly . Noticing I was wearing the sweater he'd got me.

"So uh...did ...did you like it? The basket?" He bit his lip , avoiding eye contact.

"Like it? Hecc, that's the sweetest most romantic way I've been asked out over , I love it!" I grinned wide, watching the Cats tear stained fur grow red with blush.

"Ya stuck with me now , bitch~" I cooed in his ear , him pushing me away , but laughing.

I watched him get up , his bow tie messy and wrist cuffed ruffled. He reached out his hand , offering to help me up, smiling I agreed letting him pull me to my feet.

We moved onto his bed , sat next to each other , awkwardly holding each others hand as fat nuggets chased husks tail on the floor.

"So.. Tony. Does this mean you agree to be.." his voice trailed off as I gave him a gentle kiss on the cheek.

"Yes , Hector, We are boyfriends now." I nodded , speaking in a matter of fact way, smiling wide as I watch his face, which was a red mess , he looked down happy as can be.

Husk was my boyfriend...

His Listening Ear [A HuskerDust Story]Where stories live. Discover now