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[Angels pov]

As I awoke the smell of stale blood filled my nostrils. Opening my eyes I came face to face with sleeping husk clinging to me , his wing over me protectively.

He looks so peaceful when he slept , like his worries were gone. His ears however twitched slightly with every noise of the hotel , from the creaking of the ancient walls to the distant sound of radio static as Alastor hummed away whilst cooking breakfast.

I stared at him , a soft smile on my face. I didn't remember much of last night, only entering husks room , but from the pain in my side I knew husk had cleaned up my wound.

He's too good for me , honestly..

I gently rested my hand on his wing , confused as to why there were cuts in the form of bite marks along the line of it , I stroked them gently, which seemed to sturr husk in the process.

"Mornin" the cat demon grumbled , pulling me closer as he spoke, not opening his eyes. The gruffness in his voice caused a shiver to go down my back. It was incredibly hot.

I don't remember ever waking up to husk still in bed before, he was always up hours before me due to the bar. With a frown I replied. "Aren't you meant to be up and at work already?"

He sighed gently and buried his face into the fur on my chest , causing a flutter of heat to arise on my cheeks. Through the fur I heard him speak.

"Day off....Spending it with you."

A smile grew on my face with these words. To be truthful I wasn't aware husk had days off , but knowing Charlie there's no doubt she forced Al to allow it. The sweet innocent seeming princess could be pretty terrifying when she needed to be.

"Awhhh , ain't that sweeta ya , husky~" I cooed in his ear , which caused him to move away and look at me with an annoyed frown. I stared back confused. "What?"

"Don't do that. Don't put an act on with me . Antony." His frown stayed on his face , though the sadness in his eyes told me his every thought. Sighing angrily at myself I facepalmed.

"I-I'm sorry.. I'm not used to..-"

"Having someone you can be real with..? Me either." Husk interrupted sitting up on the bed watching me . Folding his wings against the wall.
"But I don't put up a wall with you, never have, and you shouldn't do the same with me."

He shrugged seemingly unfazed, I frowned.

"You're pretending you're tough shit, that you don't care for nuffin or no one. Ya a hypocritical piece a shit , husk. So don't come after me for slipping when you KNOW I'm tryin'.
I wanna be myself for ya, but it's so hard when i can't even tell people your mine, i can't be genuine when i gotta flip flop in an outta dis stupid persona every time someone else is around."

As I ranted I stood up , placing my lower arms on my hips and crossing my upper ones. He just stared me down, not daring to speak.

"I want so desperately to show off how perfect of a partner I got , Hector. Even if it's just to everyone in this stupid hotel. But no. Ya "walls" are up too. You're scared to let da world know you're with me, your ASHAMED of me."

With this , I stormed out of husks room , pushing Vaggie as I thundered through the lobby and out the door. I heard her call out to me , though the door slammed before I could make out what she said.

Unsure of where I was going I just walked , I didn't have my phone , any cash or any protection. Having left all in husks room. My mind raced thinking about every time I've had to switch to and fro , Antony to Angel and vice versa. And how husk had always pretending he couldn't care less about anything.. about me.

Did he even like me? Was he just feeling sorry for me so he finally gave in?

Shaking my head I recalled our first night together , the genuine love and longing that he had in his eyes , and how gentle he was with me. These thoughts caused me to blush and sigh.

No... he does like me. He's a dick but he wouldn't lead me on. Not that far...

My thoughts faded as I looked around at where I'd ended up , smiling shakily as I knew I was now in cherries territory. As I wondered I heard distant bombs detonating , and maniacal laughter.

"Heyyy baby~"
I called out as Cherry launched another bomb. Within seconds we were side by side , covering our ears and ducking from the explosion and launching of countless detached body parts.

"Ange! How's it goin Bitch! You didn't tell me you were comin over ya dickhead!" She grinned , yelling over the explosion. Absolute joy filled her eye , she was truly in her element.

"Thought I'd come for a surprise visit , need to get some stress out!" I laughed back , before pulling out a tommigun and turning to face the no mans land in front of me, cherri doing the same though with bombs.

Within an instant I was spraying down the opposing forces , bullets hitting everything in site , a laugh broke from My lips as I went. Cherri launching bombs this way and that. It had been so long since I'd joined in on a terf war, I forgot how much fun they were , though if Charlie found out I'd be done for.

If husk found out he'd be disappointed in me...

Shaking my head I returned to the present , to notice Cherri giving me the side eye.


"What's got you do foggy bitch? You seem out of it." She smirked , pulling me to cover behind a destroyed piece of concrete wall so I could reload.

" It's a long ass tale , cher. Ya really wanna be bitched to?" I laughed moving quickly , replacing my ammunition, she gave me a gentle nod as she pulled out more bombs from her hair.

"You know it bitch!"

"Well then , so it started....."

His Listening Ear [A HuskerDust Story]Where stories live. Discover now