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[angel pov]

Reaching the hotel doors I took a deep breath , using my lower arms to push up my chest fluff. As I entered my confidence withered as I saw Vaggie manning the bar.
Slight disappointment weighed my heart down , before realising husk wasn't scheduled to be working today.

"Hey toots , can I grab a strawberry gin?"

I asked as I sat at my usual stall , folding my arms on the counter as I watched the small woman get to work , glancing back at me every now and then.

"Why the hell do ya keep staring at me?" I frowned as I spoke , getting uncomfortable with the silence. Husk always talked to me.

"Husk Called you his boyfriend, just trying to figure out what he sees in you." She smirked in reply, placing the drink down and turning back to whatever she was doing previously.

My face grew warm with blush as i registered what she said , looking down into my lap as a grin grew on my face. Husk had told someone!?

Trying to regain composure I flicked my hair back , smirking and crossing my legs one over the other. "Speaking a husky , you seen him today? Or is he moping in his room?" I question before taking a sip.

"He left hours ago , said to call him if Alastor needed him. But he really should be getting back now.."

I noticed concern in her eyes and nodded. If husk was out too late Al would be merciless on him. Biting my lip , I thought momentarily about where he could possibly be, recalling any and all conversations we had.

Not a moment later the doors opened and husk slipped in , walking with speed to him room , the sound of the door slamming echoing around the foyer. Me and Vaggie exchanged a concerned look.

Husk was grumpy but he'd always interact with anyone who saw him , he was a gentleman like that..

Have I messed everything up..?

[Husks pov]

Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shit

Collapsing to the ground I stared at the golden paper in my hands , my body trembling due to adrenaline over what I had just accomplished.

Once I had entered the casino I went straight to Valentino and challenged him to a game for any soul of my choosing. I'm not sure he realised who had just challenged him , either due to bad eyesight or memory, but Ever a man of gambling he accepted happily.

I'd won easily, having to barely use my skill or power , he was just straight bad at the game, no poker face at all. He was happy to lose until I demanded that I wanted Angel dusts soul.

He then demanded rematch after rematch , though losing miserably each and every time. After what seemed like hours he gave in and handed it over much to his anger and humiliation.

Now I sat here , his contract in my hands, my mind racing. My room dim as the night dawned through the window.
Closing my eyes I hugged the golden paper close and tried to focus on a plan.

I wasn't there for long before gentle knock on the door caused me to jump a little in surprise , dropping the contract as I swing round to look at the door behind me.

"Husk? You ok?" I heard Angel call out from behind the door. Panicking stumbled onto my feet , shoving the contract quickly under my pillow.

"Y-yeh! I'm getting dressed , gimme a sec." I called out , before rummaging through my closet and quickly changing into a checkered red shirt with torn black jeans. Fixing my hair in the mirror I moved towards the door.

You need to tell him , husk

I open the door gingerly and stared up at the pastel pink demon , who stared back concerned. My face returning to a neutral expression as I tried to play cool. Stepping aside I gestured for him to come in , closing the door and leaning against it after he had entered.

"What do you want , Antony." I spoke with a bored tone to my voice , I was still upset with him even if I'd gone out of my way to free him from the moth.

"Hector, I'm really sorry for ..everything I said. I acted like a jerk to ya.." he sighed softly , his lower arms hugging himself as he clearly tried to think of the right words.
"I..I dunno what came over me , but I understand if you don't wanna deal with ma drama anymore."

Frowning I came closer to him, taking his hand in mine. "Antony. What the actual fuck are you on about? We can have lovers tiffs and still be in love, you dumbass. But .. I forgive you. I still care for you and I'm not going anywhere."

With a gentle tug , Angel drew me close and our lips connected for a few moments, I could feel him smile. Sighing softly I broke away and stepped back.

"But there's something incredibly important that I have to tell you." He watched me confused , as I slid behind him and gently pulled out the contract from under my pillow, knowing it was better the sooner he knew.

"What do you mean, what do you-" he grew silent as I placed his contract in his hands and stepped back. Letting him take in properly what I had just handed him. "How.. how did you get this.."

"He's really bad at poker. And I mean.. REALLY bad." I shrug nonchalantly, trying to hide the anxiety I felt. Biting my lip I let the silence linger, unsure what else to say.

"I belong to you ...?" He mumbled . Glancing up at me , his hands visibly trembling, but he spoke with a shy smile on his face. I panicked and stumbled over myself as I tried to formulate my thoughts into words.

"No! I mean- technically yes but .. I won't make you do anything! I-it's only until I can figure out how to destroy the contract..I tried my claws and tearing it but nothing can destroy it—I promise not to do anything to you with this power , I'm sorry I should of thought this through-"

My word vomit was cut off by Angel embracing me , all four arms holding me close as the contract fell to the floor. Blinking momentarily I hugged back , my head nuzzling into the fur on his chest.

"Thank you... thank you so much , Hector... i trust you to care for my soul like you do my heart.." I heard him whisper as the top of my head grew slightly damp from his tears.

"I'll find a way to give you absolute freedom, I promise." I speak gently, pulling away though still holding his hands in my own larger ones. I stared into his beautiful mismatched eyes , and felt warmth emerge on my face as I noticed golden chains form on his arms.

"Shit- sorry. Not had a soul under me in a while... here - this should be better.." I speak as I take his left upper hand and hold it in my own.

Using the contract magic I squeezed his hand gently, causing the chains to swirl into my hand , and form a beautiful golden ring with four red and black stones , each in the shape of a different suit from a deck of cards.

"How's that?" I question , moving my hands away. Angel stared down the ring that was now upon his ring finger , a beaming grin plastered on his face as he admired it in its magical beauty.

"This is..I can live with this , hec...thank you." He turned to me and offered out his hand , I took it in my own and he pulled me into yet another hug.

That could have gone so much worse...

His Listening Ear [A HuskerDust Story]Where stories live. Discover now