Tender Touch

718 22 8

[Husks pov]

1 am
...2 am
.....3 am...

He's late... again..

Staring at the clock wasn't helping with the anxiety. My mind had started wondering to dark places , could he be bleeding out in some ally way? Could someone of drugged him and taken him hostage? This is hell, anything is possible..

With a heavy sigh I turned my attention back to my game of solitaire that had been laid out on the bar top. Placing another card down from the deck.

I'd told myself not to go to bed until Angel had come home safe and sound, and I was sticking to that. Though I'd originally wanted to show him the sobriety plan , now I just wanted to make sure he was alive , and be ready to help with any injuries he may have.

"For fuck sake , Angel... Where are you.." my eyes couldn't help but wondered towards the door , hoping he'd suddenly materialise. My ears pinned down as my concern grew.

As if a god had heard my prayers , the door swung open and Angel stumbled into view. Breathing a sigh of relief I started to prep his drink.

"Angel! Man , you almost had me worried!" I chuckled as I turned back round to face him. His arms were wrapped around his chest and stomach , his blazer draped over his arm , he walked with a slight limp head down , hair a mess.

As he sat down I noticed deep bruising on his face and around his throat. I gently placed the martini glass in front of him , sitting back waiting for him to speak.

All that came from the pale pink demon was a soft sigh as he shakily took his drink , placing his blazer on the counter top. "...gonna be a dumb question but uh , how was work , legs?" I gingerly asked watching him further.

"Remind me never to back talk Val again, yeh?" He muttered , a small strained chuckle coming from him. With a little hesitation I reached out and placed my hand on his wrist , rubbing it gently.

"That bad ey? Well...at least your home now .. I can take a look at anything you need me ta look at." I reassured him nodding towards the first aid kit hanging to the side of the bar.

Charlie had made me the First Aider of the hotel due to me being the calmest around blood and situations involving it.

Nifty and Al were...weird around blood , seeming to get way too excited by the stuff , Vaggie got grossed out by wounds and Charlie ...well...was charlie.

"Could ya? Val got at me pretty bad this time" he replied as he glanced at up at me , his left eye a violet shade due to swelling. I simply nodded and gestured towards the sofa in the middle of the foyer and turned to grab the kit.

I heard Angel get up and walk slowly to the sofa , before the heavy sigh of ancient fabric informed me he'd sat down waiting for me.

Walking over to him I pulled up the coffee table in front of him and sat down on it , medical kit to my left. "So where do ya need me ta look..first.."

In shock my voice trailed off as Angel slowly took off his blood stained shirt , revealing a deep gash on his side , crusted blood surrounding it along with violent violet Bruising.

"It looks pretty bad dunnit.." he sighed , moving closer so I could begin cleaning it with the wipes in the kit. His body tensing as I wiped away the dried blood. "This is what happens when your 3 minutes late out ya dressing room , whiskers." As he shrugged I stared up at him with a visible frown.

"He hurt ya because you took 3 extra minutes to look pretty for HIS bullshit?" I asked in angry astonishment, a soft growl forming at the back of my throat. "That son of a bitch , you were just trying to do your damn best!" With these words I slammed the bloodied wipes down, my wings raised in anger.

"Hey , no point gettin mad ova it now , whiskers. But.. thanks for caring yeh? , it means a lot ta me.."He smiled softly down towards me , his head tilted. With another heavy sigh I moved closer , his chest fluff inches from my forehead as I began to suture the wound.

I could hear angels gentle breaths from above as I worked , he smelt like cherries and roses making it incredibly difficult to focus as I wanted to breath in deeply , the only thing stopping me was a lingering scent of sickly sweet smoke on him too, most likely from Val.

"I wish there was a way to back outta these contracts...you don't deserve this shit , legs." I mutter , placing the final few sutures before leaning back , admiring my work.

"You don't deserve what Al does to you either , husk. I know he does summin, I can see it in ya eyes." He gently lifted my head , causing me to look up at him , my eyes going wide as he did so.

"Eh , is nuffin compared ta what overgrown bug puts ya through" I stammer out , feeling my cheeks heat up as his hand holds my chin softly.

With a soft sigh Angel lets my chin go , leaning back to admire my handiwork. "This is pretty good , husk , you a medic in life?".

"Ha , I wish I got that good a job , probably wouldn't have been a gambler. Nah , fought in the Second World War and 'nam , it was basic knowledge on how to treat wounds like this; would do anything to avoid getting medics on no mans land." I smiled wearily , memories flooding back in my head , many of which I wanted to forget. Shaking my head I began wrapping angels slender stomach with bandages. "What about you? What was your life like?"

Angel shrugged , moving his arms out my way so I could wrap neatly. "Eh , I was parta sum mafia group , an undaboss for ma papà. Wasn't anything glamorous. But certainly weren't boring'  either, ya know?"

Using my claw I cut the fabric bandage , and placed it in such away that it wouldn't come loose easily. "Explains the guns" I chuckle , putting everything I'd used back in the medical kit and closing it. Angel replied with a similar laugh , his mood seemingly lifted.

I stood up , stretching out my wings as I yawned the soft flapping causing angels hair to flutter about due to the breeze created.  , once fine stretching I held my hand out for Angel to take. "As much as I love these late night chats , I think we can both agree that it's bedtime , legs" I smiled softly down at him.

"Ooo you inviting me to ya bedroom husky~" he smirked  , as he accepted my hand with his own delicately small one. With a soft yank I pulled him to his feet , holding him steady with my wing by wrapping it around him. His eyes grew wide and I noticed a soft blush spread across his face.

"Don't start Angel. You know what I meant" I frowned , moving my wing away and tucking it away. Realising I was still holding his hand I pulled away nonchalantly, and started back to the bar with the first aid kit.

With a slight sigh and the clacking of heels I heard Angel make his way slowly to the stairs , turning around to look at him I caught him
Staring back , a soft smile on his face, his cheeks still rosy.

"Thanks husk... for always being there fo me..you have no idea how much it means." He grinned sheepishly , before blowing me a kiss and climbing the stairs to his room.

"No problem , Kid.." I spoke softly , so soft that I doubt Angel heard me at all. "And you have no idea how much you mean to me.."

Rubbing my eyes I quickly packed away everything before shutting up the bar , afterwards making my way to my own room in the Staff quarters. Pushing the door open with a heavy sigh and closing it behind me I almost flew onto my bed , only just realising how exhausted i was.

"G'night my angel."

These words slipped out my mouth with a soft purr as I was pulled into a deep slumber.

His Listening Ear [A HuskerDust Story]Where stories live. Discover now