Basket full of surprise

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[Angels pov]

Urgh , thank fuck that's done with.

Stepping out into the warm night air I breathed a soft sigh of relief. Val hadn't been able to get any alone time with me as vox had distracted him a majority of the evening meaning I had made it out of a session uninjured , physically at least.

I couldn't wait to be in husks arms , his gentle purring making all my worries disappear. As soft smile appeared on my face as I walked down the dimly lit streets , my extra arms ready to pull out my tommiguns if I needed to defend myself.

Hopefully he's calmed down from the embarrassment of earlier, though why was he watching  amateur porn? Mine is the best in all of hell. Honestly I felt disrespected that he chose some weak action over my perfect performances.

Had husk meant those words? Did he think I was a whore?

With a frown I turned down the road towards the hotel. The screams of the dead growing more distant the closer I got to the safe haven. Charlie had picked the perfect spot for the hotel, and I didn't even think she knew it .

In the distance I could make out the silhouette of husk on the hotel steps, and as I approached smiled. He was waiting up for me, even though he was mad..
he had his eyes closed and was seemingly in his own thoughts.
I stood in front of him admiring him momentarily before I spoke up.

"Hey. You over ya HissyFit Now?" I smirked at my own joke , crossing my arms. Hearing my voice seemed to startle him as he snapped his eyes open , staring at me momentarily before a blush of embarrassment crossed his face.

"I'm not talking about it." He looked away , growling gently as he spoke. I just sighed and walked past him into the hotel , if he was gonna act immature I'm not going to give him the time of day.

And anyway, it was obvious he'd not been in his room since this morning and I wanted to make sure he found it before I discussed what had happened with him.

Wondering upstairs I passed Alastor , who was reading a newspaper in an armchair on the landing. Giving him a nasty side eye I walked on into my room. I would no doubt attempt to start shit if I spoke to Al right now, especially after what he'd done to husk.

Closing the door behind me I sat on the floor , fat nuggets coming up to me happily.
"Hey Nugs , how my baby doing today?"  I cooed scooping the tiny pink piggy into a tight hug. Even if husk didn't wanna talk at least I still had fat nuggets.

"Maybe.. I did screw up.. maybe the basket won't make up for it, Nugs. We haven't even been dating a full day and I already ruined things.."
I mumbled softly , tears beginning to form in my eyes and I kept Nugs close.

What if he was already sick of me..

[husks pov]

"Way to ruin it , husk."

Muttering gently I pushed open the hotel door , locking it behind me once I stepped in. The lights had been dimmed down in the foyer as it was already late , walking though the foyer I wondered towards my room , arms crossed against my chest.

He probably will dump me tomorrow for sure. Who'd wanna be with a prude like me?

Self destructive thoughts tormented my mind as I walked up to my door , only being interrupted when I noticed my door was slightly ajar. Frowning I anxiously opened it and stepped inside. My eyes grew wide as I saw a gift basket on my bed.

"That son of a bitch stole my idea.." i gave a small laugh as I walked up to it and examined it.

Inside the black basket was a new deck if cards , red by colour with white suits , the finish was holographic ; a large blanket red white and black with spiders on it , the butts of the spiders being the shape of each suit ; a bow tie that was white and pink , as if ur matched the iconic blazer that Angel wore ; a box that suggested that there was a new phone in it and a strip of condoms in varying sizes.

I blushed profusely at the condoms. Looking again I noticed a black envelope  perched neatly against the basket and gingerly picked it up , slicing it open with a claw.

Pulling the paper out another smaller plastic feeling piece of paper fell from it , falling face down onto the mattress. Deciding to read the letter first I noticed it had been written in a deep pink pen , very Angel.

" Hector.

I'm sorry for embarrassing you earlier. I shouldn't have laughed. I know the era we were from kinda .. hated ... homosexuality. I should have been encouraging, I'm sorry.

I  do however just wanna let you know I would love to experience all that stuff with you. I don't care if you might not know as much as I do. I want you to, hector.


I understand you probably aren't ready , but I am happy to wait till you are. I want to make love to you when you're ready.

I can also explain anything you might need explaining-

Forever yours


Ps. I'm offended you won't watch my porn videos. So here's something that only you will see~ "

My face had become a violent mess of blush as I read through the letter , he had called himself mine..but he'd also essentially written about how much he wanted my body , though the more I read over the words the more I ached for his too.

Noticing the piece of paper on the bed I picked it up , flipping it around. The second I did so I gasped , the blush on my face growing as well as my member.

Angel had taken a photo of himself naked , lay out on his bed with his hardened  penis in his hand. He was looking directly at the camera with a seductive smirk on his face , biting his lip as a condom wrap stuck out of his mouth. There was a message on the lower corner of the photo reading.

"I'll be waiting , baby~"

I breathed in deeply weighing my options. Did I want to go this far with him so soon? Within seconds I'd made up my mind , grabbing the strip of condoms and shoving them in my pocket and leaving my room , the photo of Angel being hidden under my pillow before I left.

His Listening Ear [A HuskerDust Story]Where stories live. Discover now