Heart to Heart

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[Angel Pov]

Tap , tap , tap

The sound of my jet black heels could be heard as it bounced around the empty hotel walls as I walked along the marbled floor , heading towards the stairs.

Looking around I studied the walls , they were lined apple themed wallpaper , once a brilliant blood red with Golden yellow embroidery , now faded and some of it torn up by age . There were some uncomfortable coloured stains running along the floor , I stepped around them as I walked.

A familiar voice could be heard coming from below , rough and deep , followed by a high pitched voice, excited yet unnerving to listen to.

As I walked down the stairs , husk and nifty came into view , him behind the bar , cleaning a glass and nifty perched ok the bar stool , sipping through a straw from a small glass , taking breaks to reply to the cat demon.

They didn't seem to notice as I walked up to the counter , sitting on the bar stall at the end.

"I can't believe Alastor is still letting us stay around here! I thought he'd of gotten bored of it by now!" The bug like demon giggled , taking another sip. "I'm glad we are still here though.. I like Charlie , and Vaggie and Angel and-"

"Awh , I like ya too , nif" I smiled , resting my head on my hands , looking at the two demons I just startled. "And I Reeeeeeaaaallllyyyyy like you whiskers~" as I spoke I winked at him , him rolling his eyes and turning away to make me a drink.

"Angel! Hi! You startled me! Haha! mmm this fruit drink is reallllyyy good , husk! What's in it again??" Nifty smiled at me , taking another long sip.

Husk pushed a familiar looking fruity cocktail in front me , turning to nifty I noticed a slight red flush fading from his face. Was he blushing..? Shaking my head gently I took a sip of my drink.

"It's just a mix of apple , pineapple and Orange nif. It's not even alcoholic. There's no point to it." He said gruffly , his voice a little horse. Nifty giggled again and drank the last of her drink.

"Though I wouldn't serve you alcohol anyway. I'm not having a repeat of the club , and I'm sure Angel doesn't fancy running around after you again." He smiled softly nodding towards me and taking away niftys empty glass , swilling it in the sink behind him.

Noticing the half drunk whiskey bottle beside him I frowned. "Ain't you done with the heavy drinkin for a while , whiskers? I couldn't go back to drinkin so hard after such an episode." I said in a joking tone , hoping he didn't realise how concerned I was about him.

"That's because You're a lightweight , legs. Only a real Alcoholic can drink like this." He said in a 'don't even try it' tone , taking a swig of his bottle , sitting down on the stall his side of the bar.

"I'd hate to tell Alastor about you again, Husk, he was really unhappy! Surprised he didn't Come to your room and Chai-" husk placed a large clawed hand over the small demons face , glaring at her intensely.


He growled deeply , causing my stomach to turn with anxiety. It wasn't even directed at me and I was scared...though a little turned on.

With a huff nifty pulled away from his hand and hopped off the stall , completely unfazed by the cats growl and waving towards me and running off somewhere, probably to clean.

I watched him , unsure what to say or do , as he put a hand through the fur on his head , with a heavy shakey sigh , his ears pinned down.

"Sorry...f-for that and for this mornin' " he murmured, loud enough for only me to hear. He kept staring at the bar surface , his shoulders sagging slightly. "You shouldn't have to see that shit."

His Listening Ear [A HuskerDust Story]Where stories live. Discover now