Studio Beats

620 19 15

[Angels Pov]

Stepping through the doors to the studio , the sounds of the busy street fading as the doors slid closed behind me, I wondered towards the receptionist, some half naked hellhound type demon.

"Hey toots , let val know I'm here , yeh?" I smiled as I walked past her , she nodded and started typing away at her computer.

I sigh as I began Heading up the stairs , the air becomes thick with a deep pink smoke as I got closer to the studio and to Him.

Let's hope to fuck he's in a good mood...

Breathing deeply , I fixed my hair as I pushed open the doors , revealing the familiar figure of Valentino , The moth demon was surrounded by a mix of naked men and woman , all drugged out out of their minds. He was chuckling watching two of them make out.

"Heya val! Can't wait to work today!" I said enthusiastically, forcing a smile as I walked towards him , his attention was immediately focused on me , his grin widening as he stood up , leaving his gaggle of Sex Workers.

"Angel, babyyyy! So good to see you!" He sang , hugging me tightly and groping my ass. I kept a forced smile , hugging back. I didn't want to make him upset, I can't go back with bruises today, husk needs me.

"Go And get changed for me baby , we've got 3 shoots for you to do today~" he cooed , grabbing my face and blowing his hypnotic smoke into my face before turning back to his flock. "And don't take fucking forever. You'll be sorry if I have to come get you , bitch."

I held my breath , waiting for the smoke to dissipate, before breathing out heavily , thankfully without val noticing.

With haste I got to my changing room , a jet black outfit was laid out for me on the bed , the fitting seemingly leaving nothing to the imagination.

With a sigh I got changed , these outfits suited me yes, but I prefer something less tight , my suit being the perfect combo of fashionable and comfortable. Walking over to the vanity I started choosing the perfect make up to compliment the skimpy outfit I'd been forced to wear.

As I was putting the lipstick on , a deep purple with a black outline , the door burst open, causing my hand to slip and lip stick to go over the side of my mouth.

"I said to hurry the fuck up , Angel. What the fuck is taking so long."

The larger man had burst into my room , pushing the door to behind him as he came in , his voiced filled with rage , but his face filled with a twisted smile.

I stood up quickly and started backing up a little.
"I-I was about to come out Val , I swear-"

With a single swing I was sent flying to the floor , an agonising pain around my Left eye. Silently swearing I clasped it with my hand , my whole body trembling , I could see his feet coming towards me , stopping right beside me. With a swift kick I felt a burning pain in my side , grunting weakly I curled up.

I felt him grab me by my chest fluff and pull me up , my legs dangling slightly as he forced me to look at him with his free hand.

"Awh Angel , don't cry baby~"
His face grew soft as he stroked my face ,I could feel my eye becoming swollen , as they filled with tears.

"You know I only do this because I care about you~" he smiled menacingly before blowing another cloud of smoke into my face, after he had spoken he let go of me , letting me fall to the floor.

"Now clean your self up , whore. If you're not on set in five minutes , I'll do much worse. Trust me."

With these chilling words he turned round , his coat swooshing behind him as he left , slamming the door as he went.

I scrambled to my feet , shaking aggressively as I lent over my vanity , quickly reapplying smudged make up and hiding the swollen eye that I'd just acquired. Once i seemed presentable I ran out the room , nearly stumbling on the steps that led to the bed on set .

This is gonna be a long night...

[Husk POV]

Placing the pen down I grinned , admiring the work I'd done with my notes. I Had become somewhat excited for the potential opportunity to sober up.

I can't wait to show Angel this! Maybe he'll even be..proud of me..

My face blushed a gentle crimson as I thought this , unsure why angels opinion was so important to me.
I decided to give in and let myself daydream of the seductive spider, picturing him clearly in my mind.
His slender figure , the soft smile he gives me and only me that makes my stomach flutter , his honey sweet voice , his addictive laugh. , the way he looks at me , like I have all his attention.

I craved Angel Dust , yet I knew I wasn't worthy. That he was flirting with me purely to entertain himself. With a heavy sigh I snapped back into reality , realising Vaggie was stood in front of me.

"What." I huffed , uninterested with whatever the girl wanted , she raised an eyebrow and took a seat.

"You ok? You looked really distant just then." She questioned, tilting her head slightly. I turned away and grabbed a glass , preparing her a mocktail , as she usually requested.

"Was just thinking" I shrugged , mixing the ingredients together without much focus.

"About...?" "How amazing life was before I was forced to stand behind a bar in a hotel that never had any guests" I smiled falsely at her as I passed her drink over , she didn't need to know I was thinking about Angel,

"Well , nifty could always use some help, or you could help us give out flyers for the hotel?" She frowned , clearly unhappy with my answer.

"And be productive? Hell no." I chuckled , Vaggie rolled her eyes and too a sip of the glass , noticing the now highlighted document on the counter , she looked back up at me with a questioning eyebrow raise.

"Not what you think it is , I'm just letting Charlie think she's being helpful. I don't believe in anything here , but like hell am I gonna be the one to wreck that girls dream. I shrug , grabbing the papers and placing them back under the bar top. "I'm here cuz I havta, not cuz I wanna." I state , crossing my arms and leaning against the counter , closing my eyes.

"...well... thank you for still being willing to help where you can. We know you at minimum don't wanna be here , husk. We appreciate that you are..and we appreciate that you've made a close friendship with both angels and sir pentious. " she smiled and awkwardly patted my arm . Before taking another swig of her drink.

"What else is a bar tender meant to do? " I chuckled gently . Taking the now empty glass from Vaggie and placing it in the sink.

"This place ain't so bad , in all honesty." I nodded , agreeing with my own statement. Vaggie nodded too before wondering off to find the princess.

I grab out my deck of cards and placed them on the counter , turning and looking at the array of bottles behind me I took a deep breath and began making a mocktail for myself,

I hope Angel is back soon.

His Listening Ear [A HuskerDust Story]Where stories live. Discover now