A Lil Chat

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[Angel POV]

Holy shit..He's Pan! No wonder my flirts weren't working!

...I might have a chance..

This revelation excited me , grabbing his shoulders I couldn't help but grin. I knew how to get him to notice me!

"Ang , this doesn't mean anything and I don't have the mental capacity to even think about that shit right now..."

He gently pulled away from me , sitting on his bed. His ears folded as he took another swig from the water bottle. His wings were sagging . As if the very weight of them bore too much pressure on his damaged body.

"Right , sorry" I nodded , understanding that id gone too hard in on this , I stood next to him as he continued looking at the floor. "How you feeling , whiskers"

"Mhm...better , but I need sleep..." he sighed , looking towards me, his eyes now back to that natural 'done with life' expression.

Understanding what he was asking I took my leave , promising I'd check on him later.

Closing the door behind me I could help but grin , squealing silently to myself before walking back into the foyer. Fat Nugget trotted towards me , face covered in grub from his breakfast.

"Oh my little messy boy! Let's get you cleaned up!" I gasp happily . Scooping Nugs into my arms and moving to the bar , without asking I reached over and grabbed a handful of napkins from behind the bar , much to Charlie's annoyance and started wiping my little boy up.

"How's he doing?" She gave a patient smile , watching as I tended to Nugs. I sighed softly and Used a free arm to rest my head on.

"He's been betta , that's for sure... he's sleeping now. So let's hope that helps eh?" I gave her a reassuring smile , knowing she was going to be worried about him. As much as she was unhappy with how they came to be at the hotel , she was happy that they were in her life.

"I wish he would take me up on my sobriety Plan.. I just know I can help him! He just needs to stop being so grum-"

"Ya can't force people ta do something, Charlie. Addiction ain't like say... not singing or dancing when you wanna. It's kinda like  chains that bind a person, restricting their freedom and ability to break free from destructive habits."

I interrupted , knowing she had no clue how painful addiction was, her heart was in the right place but ... she don't understand.

"That is the wisest crap that's come out of your mouth since you got here" vaggie retorted with a smirk , joining us at the bar , sittting opposite the princess. "Whose dick did ya suck to get that metaphor?"

"I ain't all about being a whore , bitch. I got layers. Character development ,& personality. Can't say the same fo you however." I snickered , placing the dirty napkins in the bin behind the counter , my eyes not leaving vaggies ; daring her to start a fight.

"That's enough you two" Charlie chimed in , passing me a cocktail , which I happily guzzled down. With a sigh Vaggie drank her own drink.

"Angel , could you... maybe talk to him about it? He seems to listen to you. Or at least.. could you keep an eye out? Be there for him before it gets this far again?" With a tilt of her head she looked at me , eyes pleading silently.

"Urgh fine. Dunno what i can do dat you can't though , toots." I shrugged handing the empty glass back to her and getting up. "I'll be his listening ear whenever he feels like he can open up.." with a slight grin I turned around and walked up to my room.

Not that he'll ever open up to me , it's normally me who opens up to him..

[Husks Pov]
{{few hours later}}

"Oh Husker..."

My eyes snap open , scanning the darkened room. My mind racing with fear. My eyes land on a dark shadow next to the door , a smile slowly forming within the depths , as Alastor stepped out of the shadows , head on a slight tilt.

"What a pathetic Show your putting on."

With a squint of the radio demons eyes , the familiar green aura clasped around my throat , the bitterly cold touch against my fur as the chain formed. With a soft yank of his hand I was thrown to the floor.

"You'd best get your act together , old friend. I wouldn't want you to ... disappear~."

Static surrounded the room as he pulled me close to him , forcing me to stare him down. I could feel tears forming in my eyes , my hands against my chest as I struggle to breathe , the chain around my throat growing ever tighter as he spoke.

"Do you understand, husker?" With these words his eyes formed radio dials, the shadows growing large behind him , as if threatening me to argue with the demon.

"U-understood ..." I gasped out , the chains fully cutting off my ability to breathe at this point.

With a satisfied 'hm' he released the chains , causing me to drop to the floor gasping , my clawed hand holding my burning throat. Looking up I caught a glimpse of Alastor walking out , his red coat swaying behind him.

As the door closed I climbed up onto my bed , laying back down , covered in sweat. Blinking rapidly , trying to fight tears , I stared at the ceiling. "Fucking prick..." I mumbled , my voice raspy as it escaped my lips.

The biggest mistake I made was agreeing to his deal. Being his slave was hell , constant pain , constant suffering... only good thing about this is that I'd met my friends.

Sir pentious

My heart fluttered as I thought his name , a smile gently grew upon my face. Sitting up I started at the mirror that was on the wardrobe.

"You look like shit , husk..."

Growling softly as I spoke , I grabbed the brush from the side of the bed , where it had fallen yesterday morning , brushing my fur gently until it became soft and styled in a semi-professional manner.

When I'd fallen to hell I'd loathed my demon form , I didn't want these chumps thinking I was a kitten.. but once I'd realised what that truly meant I'd used it to my advantage. My appearance had made me seem soft , innocent...predictable in others eyes, how that wasn't the case . This could get others to let their guard down, ultimately causing me to rise the overlord ladder...until Alastor wanted to play against me. He saw through it , he knew my game , he knew how to beat me at it. And The Sorrow I felt when he'd won... it's never left me.

standing up , my head still pounding and throat sore , I grabbed my hat and bow tie , taking a final
Look at my mirror I left my room , walking soberly to the bar.

"Husk! How you feeling? Need anymore water? Maybe some food? Oh oh or pain killers? An ice pack? A hot water bot-" cutting off the princess mid sentence i reached round her and grabbed a whiskey bottle.

"Alcohol. I need alcohol." I grumbled , sitting next to her behind the bar and cracking it open with ease , before downing half of it in a single swig.

"Husk...." The disapproval in her voice spoke volumes , but I didn't care , no one can be more disappointed in me than myself. I glared at her , silently daring her to comment further.

With a heavy sigh she left the bar , leaving me to my own devices. Shrugging to myself I took another swig , staring blankly at the door.

His Listening Ear [A HuskerDust Story]Where stories live. Discover now