I Understand You

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[Husks pov]

"Husk , wake up!"

"Husker I advise you wake from your drunken state with haste , or there shall be consequences, my friend."

My eyes snap open at the sound of his static voice , trying to stand to attention but falling backwards into my wardrobe, my wings flapping out to my sides trying to keep me steady but failing , nausea causing my head to spin , and within seconds a bin was thrust under me , no doubt thanks to nifty , in time to catch the vomit hurdling out of my mouth.

"Oh husk..not again..." I heard the princess give a disappointed  sigh , feeling her kneel next to me rubbing my back , I didn't dare to look up , I knew he was watching me.

"You ok? Here , sip on this.." I felt an ice cold plastic bottle be placed in my hand , I groaned and shakily took a sip, still avoiding eye contact with the three demons watching me.
I could tell he was angry at me , I could feel the invisible chains on my throat.

How am I so fucking pathetic...

I finally braved a glance upwards , catching Charlie's eyes. "I'm ok..sorry...I'll be out in a minute ok?"

Charlie smiled sympathetically, rubbing my back a little more before getting up , she ushered nifty and al out , his eyes never leaving me , nor his demonic smile.
"Take the time you need , husk you don't have to come out today if you feel you can't , I'll man the bar today. Just try to feel better and we'll talk about this later!"

I watched her leave , moving past angel who was now standing at the door staring at me. I growled and attempted to get up.

Angel attempted to enter my room , I growled loudly , slamming the door in his face.


[Angel POV]

I could hear noises from inside the cat demons room , staring at the door I just blinked. I'd never seen husk so... broken. I didn't know he could get like..that.

Shaking my head , I turned towards where Charlie and the others were walking away. I ran to catch them up and placed a hand on Charlie's shoulder. "What...just happened?" The question escaped my mouth before I could form it in a less worried tone.

"Husk has...rough days.. kind of like your off days , angel. This one seems particularly bad..." she sighed heavily turning and looking up at me.

I nodding understandably, I knew what it was like to relapse . The pain , the nausea.. Charlie sighed , looking back at husks closed door. Unsure how to respond I  just patted her head and smiled.

"Hey , don't worry toots , I'll keep an eye on 'im. Ain't got much else to do anyways." I spoke in the most reassuring away possible , hoping Charlie would believe me , though I knew husk was far from fine.

She smiled back and walked towards the bar , I turned and went back towards husks room. I hadn't been aware there were rooms down here , I  suppose they are staff quarters.. weird.

Why did I agree to keep an eye on him? He doesn't even like me , how am I meant to comfort him?

I stood outside his door , hand inches away from it , unable to bring myself to knock.

He shouldn't be alone though...hopefully he isn't mad that I'm bothering him..

Knocking on the door softly , I hear more rustling from inside.
"Husk. It's angel , I'm comin' in"

As I creaked open the door I heard a soft growl , I chuckled gently and entered , closing the door behind me and looked around the room.

His Listening Ear [A HuskerDust Story]Where stories live. Discover now