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Two guards escorted Will who was in manacles into Beckett's office.

"Lord Beckett. The prisoner as ordered, sir." One of the guards announced.

"Those won't be necessary." Beckett gestured to the manacles around Will's wrist that are quickly removed by one guard before the two men left Will and Beckett alone.

"The East India Trading Company has need of your services. We wish for you to act as our agent in a business transaction with our mutual friend: Captain Sparrow." Beckett spoke.

"More acquaintance than friend." Will corrected Beckett. "How do you know him?" He inquired.

"We've had dealings in the past." Beckett walked over to his fireplace and picked up a long metal stick that had the letter 'P' on the end of it that was glowing red since it had been sitting in the roaring hot fire. "And we've each left our mark... on the other."

"What mark did he leave on you?" Will asked.

Beckett didn't respond, clearly ignoring his question and he continued to talk about his deal. "By your efforts, Jack Sparrow was set free, along with the efforts of your little friend. I would like you to go to him, and recover a certain property in his possession."

"Recover. At the point of a sword?" Will snarled.

"Bargain." Beckett corrected. He walked over to a wooden box on a table and opened it, pulling out some papers. "Letters of Marque. You will offer what amounts to a full pardon. Jack will be free, a privateer in the employ of England."

"Somehow I doubt Jack will consider employment the same as being free." Will commented.

Beckett scoffed. "Freedom. Jack Sparrow is a dying breed. The world is shrinking, the black pages of the map is filled in. Jack must find his place in the new world or perish. Not unlike you, Mister Turner. You and you fiancée face the hangman's noose."

"So you get both Jack and the Black Pearl?" Will asked.

"The Black Pearl?" Beckett asked with a hint of confusion in his voice.

"The property you want that he possesses." Will replied.

"A ship? Hardly. The item in question's considerably smaller and far more valuable. Something Sparrow keeps on his person at all times. A compass."

Will averted his eyes.

"Ah, you know it. Bring back that compass, or there's no deal." Beckett threatened and walked away.


Jack reminded at his desk for hours, after he and (Y/N) had retired to his cabin. She had fallen asleep quickly, curled up in the bed as Jack continued working, trying to find their next heading.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's ChestWhere stories live. Discover now