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Music filled the tavern, busy and rowdy as ever, as Gibbs set up a table in the back where he was going to recruit sailors. Jack and (Y/N) had secured a small table off to the side where they sat not too far from Gibbs as the crew were given shore leave for the day.

"What makes you think you're worthy to crew the Black Pearl?" Gibbs asked the man standing in front of him.

"Truth be told, I've never sailed a day in me life. I figured I should get out, aww the world while I'm still young." The man replied.

"You'll do. Make your mark. Next!"


Jack kept reaching for his compass, opening it and shaking it. Each time he did, it just immediately pointed to the woman sitting next to him, facing away, not talking to him. He watched as she grabbed the tumbler from in front of her and took a swig of the liquid inside of it.


"My wife ran off with my dog and I'm drunk for a month, and I don't give a ass rat's if I live or die." A jilted man explained.

"Perfect. Next!" Gibbs called out.


"I know what I want, I know what I want." Jack muttered to himself.


"Me have one arm 'n' a bum leg." A one-armed man spoke.

"It's the crow's nest for you." Gibbs declared.


"I know what I want!" Jack muttered more firmly.

He opened up the compass and frowned when he saw that the needle still hadn't moved. He was beginning to get agitated with the compass, and slammed the lid down again, glaring at the small object in his hands.

"It's not going to magically change." (Y/N) said with a roll of her eyes as she reached for her tumbler and stood up off the chair to go get another drink. Jack couldn't help but watch after her as she walked away, her hips swaying as she walked towards the bar.

"Now look here, mate." Jack stared down at the compass. "I know I want her. But, if Jones' terrible beastie swallows me, I won't get to have her. So, if you want me to have her, you're gonna have to tell me where the chest is. Savvy?" He scolded the compass.

Jack stayed silent for a moment, as if he was waiting he was waiting for a response. Of course, he didn't get one since he was talking to a compass.

"Good." Jack smiled.

He opened the lid of the compass once again, but still, the needle of the compass didn't change. It took everything in Jack not to throw the stupid thing across the room.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's ChestWhere stories live. Discover now