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Gibbs, Marty, and Cotton and his parrot all emerged from where they landed from the huge explosion caused by the barrels and other stuff indorse of the net. They all walked over to the rail and looked out at the water below.

"Did we kill it?" Marty questioned.

"No. We just made it angry. We're not free yet." Gibbs answered honestly before turning to Jack. "Captain! Orders!"

Jack scurried down the ship from the top deck. "Abandon ship. Into the longboat." He ordered.

"Jack! The Pearl!" Gibbs reminded him.

"She's only a ship, mate." Jack replied with a hint of sadness in his voice. He obviously didn't want to leave the Pearl, but he knew it was for the better.

"He's right, we have to head for land." Elizabeth urged the crew.

"'S a lot o' open water." Pintel pointed out.

"That's a lot o' water." Ragetti repeated.

"We have to try." Will spoke up. "We can get away as it takes down the Pearl." He encouraged.

Gibbs nodded his head in agreement. "Abandon ship. Abandon ship or abandon hope."

Gibbs, Will, Marty, and Cotton and his parrot all got to work gathering the little supplies left into the longboat, while Jack stood and took one last look at his beloved Pearl.

(Y/N), who was standing near the steps, walked over to Jack who stood by the mast, soaking everything up. "Jack." She spoke up from behind him.

Jack turned to face her. "Yes, love?"

(Y/N) swung her hand back and plated a harsh slap on the side of his face, making Jack stumble back from the force of it. She smacked him harder than she ever had slapped him before.

Jack yelped out in pain as he pressed his hand to his cheek to stop the burning and tingling sensation, while his other hand held onto the mast for support so he wouldn't fall over.

"That, was leaving us to deal with the Kraken. One of your problems, yet again." (Y/N) told him.

Jack put his hands out to calm her down. "Okay, I-"

(Y/N) didn't let him finish his sentence as she slapped him again on the same cheek that already had a red hand print mark on. "That one was for leaving me, which is something you promised you'd never do."

Jack stifled his grunt and inhaled a deep breath as he stood up straight, re-gaining his balance. He then held his hands out to her again as he tried to explain. "(Y/N), hear me out-"

Yet again, she cut him off, but not with a slap this time. She grabbed him by his coat and pulled him towards her, placing her lips against his. Jack had tensed up, excepting another attack from her. But once he realised that she was kissing him, his whole body relaxed, and he placed his hands on her hips and reciprocated.

Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's ChestWhere stories live. Discover now