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Davy Jones watched through his spyglass as the Kraken dragged Jack and the Black Pearl underneath the water.

"Jack Sparrow. Our debt is settled." Jones said, lowering his spyglass from his face.

"The captain goes down with his ship." A crew member spoke up.

"Turns out not even Jack Sparrow can beat the devil." Maccus commented.

Jones then turned to his crew. "Open the chest." He ordered.

The crew all looked confused.

"Open the chest, I need to see it!" Jones snapped.

Maccus turned the key, unlocking the chest. Jones pushed the chest open, only to find it empty.

Jones' face began to quiver, and he tilted his head back and shouted, "Damn you, Jack Sparrow!"


Lord Cutler Beckett sat at his desk in his EITC headquarters, when Mercer entered the room.

"The last of our ships returned." Mercer announced.

"Is there any news on the chest?" Beckett questioned.

"None. But... one of the ships did pick up a man adrift at sea." Mercer held up the letters of Marque in his hand. "He had these."

He dropped the letters of Marque onto Beckett's desk, and Beckett picked up the letters up to examine them.

"I took the liberty of filling in my name." Norrington spoke as he entered the office.

From his desk, Beckett beckoned Norrington with two fingers. "If you intend to claim these, then you must have something to trade. Do you have the compass?"

A smirked appeared across Norrington's face. "Better." He placed a small bag onto the desk. "The heart of Davy Jones."


The rest of the crew of the Black Pearl paddled through the familiar waters of the bayou where they last visited Tia Dalma. As they made their way deeper, down the river figures stood in the water, holding candles in some sort of vigil, mourning Captain Jack Sparrow.

As the crew approached Tia's shack, they could see her standing on the landing. He eyes were trained on (Y/N), noticing her current state. Se reached for (Y/N) first, helping her out of the boat and guided her through the door, grabbing her shoulders as they walked. She offered her a chair at the table that (Y/N) gladly, yet silently, accepted while the rest of the crew rolled in behind them, taking seats where possible as they maintained the silence.

Tia Dalma walked back into the room, having collected a tray holding steaming mugs which she distributed to everyone.

"Against de cold and de sorrow." Tia Dalma said, placing a mug in front of (Y/N), but she didn't drink it. She then turned to Will who sat wrapped in a blanket beside Elizabeth. "It's a shame, I know you're t'inking that wid the Pearl you coulda freed your fadder's soul."

"It doesn't matter now, the Pearl's gone, along with its Captain." Will shrugged, casting a regretful glance at (Y/N) as he spoke the words.

"Aye." Gibbs agreed from his place at the door. "And already the world seems a bit less bright. He fooled us all right to the end. But I guess that honest streak finally won out. To Jack Sparrow!" He called, raising his mug in respect.

"Never another like Captain Jack." Ragetti whimpered.

"He was a gentleman of fortune, he was." Pintel said, tears in his eyes.

"He was a good man." (Y/N) finally spoke up after being quite for the many days they had sailed.

Will sympathetically looked over at his friend. "If there was anything that could be done to bring him back... (Y/N)..."

"Would you do it?" Tia Dalma quickly jumped in. "What would you do, hm? What would any of you be willing to do, hmm?" Would you sail to the ends of the eart', and beyond to fetch back witty Jack and 'im precious Pearl?"

(Y/N) immediately stood up off of her chair. "Aye."

"Aye." Gibbs declared.

"Aye." Pintel said.

"Aye." Ragetti agreed.

"Awk! Aye." Cottons parrot squawked.

"Yes." Elizabeth added in.

"Aye." Will whispered.

Tia Dalma then flashed (Y/N) a smile, reaching out her hand to hers.

"Alright. But if you're goin' to brave de weird, and haunted shores, at world's end, den... you will need a captain who knows dose waters." She said cryptically, turning towards the staircase that was illuminated by candles.

Everyones head whipped around to the sound of heavy footsteps pacing the stairs behind them. As the figure came into view, everyones mouth dropped suddenly, stunned by the revelation.

"So tell me, what's become of my ship?"

There stood the very real, and very alive, Hector Barbossa.


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