Chapter 1

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I woke up to my alarm blaring in my ears, I groan and rolled over, tapping my phone so it turns off.

I see the light coming in through the curtains of my room, lighting everything up. I rubbed my eyes and sat up, the brightness of the room hurting my head a bit.

" y/n! " I hear from down stairs. It was my mom calling me, I had been staying at there house in London for the Christmas holidays, but I was leaving today to go back to my house in New York.

I stood up out of my bed and brushed my hair quickly before going downstairs, as I made my way down, the smell of pancakes filled the hallways.

" mmm mom did you make pancakes? " I asked, walking into the kitchen and sitting down at the island.

" yes, I did hunny, your favourite. " She said with a big smile.

Ever since I moved out, my mom has made sure to treat me like royalty whenever I visit.

She places the pancakes in front of me and adds a knife and fork. " Thanks mom you're the best. " I say, smiling before taking a bite of the food.

" So, when does your flight leave so I can get your father to drop you to the airport. " My mom said, walking around the kitchen. " 2 o' clock. " I replied bringing my plate over to the sink.

" I'm going to miss my baby so much. " My mom said, grabbing my face.

I rolled my eyes at her, " mom, " I groan, " I'll be back for easter, it's only a few months away. "

She looked at me with a soft smile. " I know, I know, I'll just miss you. " She said before walking away .

" Anyway, you all packed? " I picked up my phone and checked the time, it was 12am.

" Yeah, I am. Anyway, I'm gonna get ready, we have to leave soon." I leave the kitchen and go back up to my room.

I get changed into grey sweatpants, a black tank top, putting my hair up in a messy bun. I grabbed my bag and my suitcase and brought them downstairs.

" Oh by the way, y/n! Your uncle upgraded your plane ticket for you, so you're flying first class now! " My mom called to me from the kitchen, as I was putting my shoes on.

" Wait really? Thanks mom." I said happily, I'd never flied first class before, so this will be new.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and i looked up and saw my dad coming down. " You ready kid? " He asked,

" yeah, I am." I said, picking up my bags.

I gave my mom a big hug and said my goodbyes, getting into the car.

It takes about half an hour to get to the airport, so I got there at about half 12.

I took my bags out of the car, hugged my dad goodbye, and went into the airport. Thankfully, security wasn't too busy and I went through pretty quickly.

I sat down at one of the chairs near the entrance to my flight and waited for them to call first class to go on board. 

After about an hour, they called our flight number, and we started boarding.

I boarded the plane and put my bag in the overhead compartment and sat down in my seat, to be honest, it was more like a bed.

There was a small table in front of me, a curtain to pull across between me and my seat-mate, but I didn't pull that over yet because nobody had sat down.

I admired how fancy everything was, when I saw someone putting their bag up in the overhead compartment beside me and put their stuff down in the seat next to me.

She had long, blond hair and was wearing grey sweats and a navy zip up jacket. She sat down beside me and I took a glance at her before looking away.

I swear I recognise that face..

679 words

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