Chapter 16

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Reneé's POV

I stared at my phone for a few seconds just taking in what was in front of me. These comments were horrible, all of them just assumed that Y/n is gonna use me and hurt me. I love most of my fans but some of them really get on my nerves thinking they know everything about me and my life.

I looked over my shoulder at the girl beside me who was also reading what was on my phone.

She so sweet and adorable, she doesn't deserve any of this. Im gonna make sure people know that shes good. Thats shes mine.

" Ive seen it already " I heard her whisper beside me looking down at the couch and picking at her finger nails.

" What? When why didn't you tell me about this? " I asked worriedly, how long has she known what all these people are saying about her and just not said anything.

" I only saw it this morning but you already had so much going on with Alyssa I didn't want to bother you.. "

My gaze softened as I looked down at her face. How could they say this about someone so caring like her.

" Baby.. you can talk to me about these things. Yeah this morning I was a bit pissed at Alyssa but you come first okay? " I said and took her hands into mine. I wasn't lying either. Id drop everything for this girl.

She nodded and I pressed a kiss against her forehead wrapping my arm around her so she could lean against my body.

I thought for a few more minutes before I worked up the courage to ask her. " How would you feel about going public with me? "

She looked up at me her eyes meeting with mine. " Yeah I'd like that " she said, with a big grin across her face.

I couldn't help but smile myself as I opened the camera app on my phone.

I put my hand up in the air to take a selfie before turning my head and connecting my lips with hers for the photo, the sweet taste of her lip balm on mine.

I pulled my phone down in front of us and admired the photo.

" We look good. " I smirked, before opening instagram and uploading the photo.

Caption-  Just wanted to introduce you to my girlfriend since some people think it's okay to assume things before actually knowing. This is Y/n. And shes the best thing thats happened to me in a long time.

I clicked send and looked down at her beside me.

" Best thing that's happened to you in a while? " She questioned with a smile.

" Oh shut up. But yes you are"

She smirked before connecting our lips again pulling me in closer by my shirt.

I pushed her down onto the couch crawling on top of her deepening the kiss. I slid my tongue across her lip asking for entrance which she gave me almost immediately.

I slid my tongue in her mouth exploring everywhere while my hands roamed around her body from her waist to her thighs to her breasts.

I heard her moan quietly which made my head spin. The effect this girl has on me is insane.

I pulled away from the kiss sitting up.

" Come on we need to get my stuff inside "

" I hate you Reneé" She said, giving me a look of disappointment before getting up off the couch and walking to the front door.

After everything was finally brought inside and put away I came down stairs to look and see where Y/n went.

" Y/n? " I called out my voice echoing around the house

" Im in the bathroom! " She shouted back. I laughed and sat down on the couch

Just as I got comfortable the door bell rang. I stood up and walked over opening the door, it was a girl.

" Oh uhm hey.. I'm here for Y/n." She said looking annoyed.

" Oh uhm shes in the bathroom she will be out in a minute tho.. Do you want to come in? " I asked opening the door a bit wider so she can step inside.

She nodded and stepped in putting her hands in her pockets. This was awkward.

Thankfully she came out of the bathroom almost immediately after I closed the door.

" Y/n someone's here for you. " I said walking past her to sit back down on the couch

The sitting room and the hallway to the door were connected so I could hear pretty clearly what was going on. I heard as she came down the stairs. I heard as she stopped to talk to the girl. But what I really wish I didn't hear was the gasp she let out as she realised who she was. The cry she let out when the girl grabbed her arm. The way my name rolled of her tongue in a way I never want it to again.

I tried to get to her. But I wasn't quick enough. The door closed in my face slowing me down. And by the time I opened it they were driving away. I would have ran after that car for days if I needed to but I couldn't. 

Call the police.

And that is what I did.

So I spent the next 4 hours in the police station giving details. My 'point of view' is what the kept calling it.

They kept telling me it was going to be okay. That they would do everything to find her. I tried to listen but I just couldn't.

My head was spinning my whole body felt numb. I just wanted to cry. I wanted to go home and scream and cry until I couldn't anymore. Until my throat hurt so bad that I might never be able to sing again. Until I end my career.

I have no idea who she was or how this even

But she took my girl.

1040 words

Honestly this chapter isn't my favourite and its kinda short but this book needs some drama and this was the best way I could think of to do it. sorry if you hate me now 🫶

- Love is in the air -  Reneé Rapp Where stories live. Discover now