Chapter 13

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Reneés POV

" Were going out tonight"

I rolled my eyes and smiled. " And where are we going ? " I said, raising my eyebrow.

" Somewhere.. " She said a giggled " Its a surprise" She had a big goofy smile on her face which made it impossible for me not to smile to. God I really was falling for this girl.

2 hours later..

" I don't have anything to wear Y/n!" I whined,
the reservation for wherever we were going was at 5:30 and it was now 4. I had gotten a shower and was now standing in her room in nothing but a towel. She walked in fixing a bracelet onto her wrist. She was wearing a white button up shirt with the top button left undone. black pants that hugged her body in the most perfect ways. She looked beautiful.

She smiled at me stopping in her tracks to look me up and down.

" Stop staring at me you perv and give me clothes " I said, throwing a pillow at her.

She laughed walking over to her closet opening it up. " What do you like to wear?"

I though for a second " Uhm I really dont mind pick something for me"

She picked out a few clothes and walked over to me, throwing them on the bed.

It was a pair of black baggy jeans, a small black
top that could almost be a bra and a see threw long sleeved black shirt to go over it. 

" Okay get out now" I said shooing her out the room so I could change. I put the clothes on and looked in the mirror. I'll admit I looked hot, she had a good style. I put some makeup on. eyeliner around my eyes and on my water line, the usual before walking downstairs.

Y/n's POV

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and
I looked up. I saw her walking down and god did she look good. Her blond hair perfectly framed her face and her eyes were dark from the makeup making them pop out. I was tempted to tell her to just keep that whole outfit because it definitely suited her more than it suited me.

I smiled at her before moving my gaze somewhere else, I didn't want to be caught staring.

" Are you ready to go? " I asked grabbing my purse and phone from the counter. "Yeah I am" She said smiling her face lighting up.

" Good the uber will be here any minute " She seemed confused. " Unless you don't wanna drink?" I asked, looking out the window.

" Oh, right no I'm definitely drinking." She said laughing slightly.

I heard a car honk outside and I walked out of the house her following close behind. I Opened the car door for her and let her get in before getting in myself.

I greeted the man and he pulled away from the house driving down the street.

The sky was a beautiful mix of blue, pinks and purples as the sun set over the city. I looked over after the girl beside me. Reneé Rapp. It all felt so unreal how I got here. How I went from getting upgraded on a flight to sitting beside someone who I have been a fan of for years. She didn't even feel famous to me anymore. She felt like a friend. Even though I so desperately wanted more than that.

The car came to a stop pulling me out of my thoughts. I got out of the car and walked around to her side opening the door for her.

" Oh you're such a gentleman " She teased " I try my best" I responded, holding my hand out for her to take as she stepped out of the car. I payed for the uber and walked with her into the building hand in hand.

As we walked in I heard the music slowly playing in the background. Tables were set up all around, beautiful decorations everywhere making the place feel cozy and warm.

" Wow " I heard her whisper beside me. " This place is beautiful Y/n " She said looking at me. I saw the waitress coming up to us and she smiled at us before her eyes widening as she looked at Reneé. I raised one of my eyebrows confused before it hit me. She may not feel famous to me anymore but she was very much still a celebrity.

The waitress took us to our table and handed us the menus, taking a glace and Reneé again before leaving. I sighed looking down at the menu to see what I wanted.

" You alright? " I heard her ask me from across the table. " Yeah I'm okay. Sometimes I just forget you're famous and that I cant just take you everywhere without being noticed " I laughed, resting my menu on the table. She smile sympathetically before speaking " I know.. Does it bother you? We can leave if you want to " She said worriedly. I took her hand from across the table and squeezed it "No. I want people to know that the Reneé Rapp is my friend. "

I regretted that sentence as soon as I said it


Why would I use the word friend we both know we are so much more than that. I don't know what we are but it's most certainly not friends.

As soon as I saw the look on her face I knew I fucked up.

" Not friend sorry.. Uhm I know we are more- Well I mean are we more? maybe we arnt- " The words were flying out for my mouth before I could even think about them trying to dig myself out of the hole I put myself in.

" Y/n Stop. " She said looking at me with a small smile. I closed my mouth waiting for her to say something.

She never did

Instead she stood up and took my hand pulling me up from the table and dragging me somewhere.

She pulled us into the bathroom and into one of the stalls closing the door behind me. Before I could even ask what was happening she had me pinned against the door and her lips were on mine, tasting the wine she was drinking at the table from her mouth.

I lent into the kiss resting my hands on her waist. She bit down slightly on my bottom lip making me moan a bit giving her the chance to slip her tongue in my mouth.

I was about to do the same when she pulled away and stared at me with a smirk on her face. God I wanted you to wipe that smirk off of her face so bad.

" Can we go home ? " She asked, I didn't answer instead I grabbed her hand and pulled her through the bar throwing some money on the table and walking out calling an uber to come pick us up.

The uber arrived and we got in the back of the car. The whole ride her hand was on my thigh getting higher and higher the further we drove. As soon as we stopped I thanked the driver got out of the car and opened Reneé's door for her.

When we got inside I was pinned against the door again, her lips were on mine and she almost immediately slipped her tongue in my mouth.

" Lets go to my room"

1226 words


- Love is in the air -  Reneé Rapp Where stories live. Discover now