chapter 9

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09 - THE BAR

Y/n's POV

I pulled Reneé over to the bar and told her that the first round was on me as she began to pull out her wallet.

The bartender gave us our drinks and we went to sit in a both.

I watched as Reneé took a sip of her drink, Her hair flowed around her head so perfectly her bangs perfectly placed on her forehead. She had eyeliner around her eyes and on her water line, She was hot.

She locked eyes with me while she drank her drink and I felt my face go red. I looked away and picked up my drink scanning my eyes around the room

I chuckled and took a sip of my drink " Do you think you think I could pull any of these women? " I joked, looking at her.

She looked around with a straight face at all the people dancing around, either with people or on their own

She looked back at me and stirred her drink with her straw, " Im sure you could pull them Y/n " She said in a slight monotone voice. I raised my eyebrow at her but I just brushed it off probably something to do with her girlfriend, Alyssa or whatever her name was

After a few minutes of small talk and song we both seemed to recognise came on and my face lit up.

" We have to dance" I said, and stood up my head spinning a bit from how quickly I did

" Absolutely not, I am not dancing to my own music" She said, whispering the end so no one would recognise her.

" Dont be so boring" I whined, taking her hand in mine and pulling her up out of her chair and took her to the dance floor, Pretty Girls playing around us.

She looked around worriedly and I took her hand  " Renee relax, you're so tense.. Nobody gonna notice you there to busy trying to have a good time" I said as I began to dance around to the music smiling at her as I spun around

I saw Reneé laugh at me and begin to dance herself. We were both dancing around without a care in the world like we were the only two people in the room, us and the music.

I felt her arms snake around my waist and I bit my lip and danced against her, the alcohol definitely getting to me because if I was sober I would have passed out by now.

I had my back to her, her arms around my waist holding onto me, her fingers felt like they were burning through my shirt.

She grabbed my hand and spun she around and I laughed as she did, going back to the same position.

The song came to an end and I smiled turning around to face her, she was already looking at me with a big stupid smile on her face.

" Im gonna get us more drinks " She said and walked away. I stood there for a second going over everything that just happened.

I couldn't keep the smile off my face as I walked back to the booth we were at.

She came back with two more drinks along side some shots.

" Shots? Reneé are you serious. " I said, unimpressed.

" Come on, you said it yourself let's have some fun" She grinned and placed two shots in front of me and two on her side of the table.

She sat down and looked at me holding the first one up. I rolled my eyes and picked up one of them and clinked it against her glass before putting it up my mouth and tilting my head back.

I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt the alcohol burn the back of my throat.

" Fucking hell. " I whisper and I here her laugh at me from the other side of the table.

" Shut up Reneé, not everyone can down alcohol like it's water. " I said and took the next shot and threw it down my throat.

Better to get it over with.

I saw her raise her eye brow at me and drink her second one as well, her face barely having a reaction.

The next hour felt like a blur the alcohol kicking in to the both us as we talked and laughed for ages about anything.

Every now and then it would go quiet for a few seconds and shed stare at me with those dark eyes making me face go entirely red and I'm so sure she was doing it on purpose

I finished my drink and stood up " I gotta go to the bathroom I'll be back in a second " I said, walking away

I came out of the stall and washed my hands. I was about to turn the tap off when I heard the door swing open and I locked eyes with the girl through the mirror.

" Drink go straight through you to Reneé? " I asked with a laugh. But she didn't respond, She just stood there looking at me through the mirror.

I turned around to face her " Are you okay?" I asked, drying my hands on the towel next to me.

" Never been better " She said quietly in a low tone, She took a step closer to me.

I felt shivers go down my spine as I heard her voice, god why did she have to be so fucking hot. I turned to fully face her only to realise how close we were.

" Reneé.. " I said in a whisper,

" Whats wrong" she responded moving closer again so I could feel her breath on my face.

I looked into her eyes not knowing what to do. But what I did know is that I wanted this more than anything right now.

suddenly I felt her hands on my waist again and I took that as my opportunity.

I closed the gap between our lips, a fire sparking up in my stomach as soon as they touched. I could taste her chapstick off her lips, I could smell the perfume she had on.

I wrapped my fingers in the loops of her pants as I felt one of her hands cup my face.

everything felt like it was moving in slow motion.

Until it wasn't.

Until I felt her pull away and flee the room in the span of a second not giving me any time to speak.

I walked out of the bathroom to go after her. Tell her not to go. Tell her this wasn't a bad thing. But she was gone. Not one trace of her left in the bar.

I felt the tears prick at the back of my eyes as I collected up my stuff and walked out of the bar.

How did I fuck it up this badly.

I took my phone out of my pocket and called alice

She picked up and asked me why I was calling so late, my voice cracked as I went to respond

" Can you come get me please "

1183 words

sorry for this guys 💔

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