Chapter 11

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Y/n's POV

I hung up the phone quickly after Reneé told me where she was and called a cab to my house

It being late at night the cab arrived in about 5 minutes and I got in telling him the location I needed to go and that we were picking someone up to come back here.

He nodded and drove off down the street. I sat back in my seat and let out a sigh. To much was going on this night, I just want this day to be over.

After about 8 minutes we pulled up and I saw Reneé leaning against at wall at her apartment block. I opened the door and told the driver to wait a second and I'll be back.

I hopped out of the car and walked up to her wrapping my arms around my stomach as the cold air hit me.

" Come on Reneé it's freezing out here " I said, walking up to her. She went to say something but I cut her off. " No we're talking when we get home not here, it's freezing and he's waiting for us" I said, pointing to the car parked at the curb. She smiled lightly and got into the car.

An awkward silence came over the car as we pulled away from the apartments. I kept going over in my head what might happen when we got home. Would we talk? Is she mad at me? Did she only call me because she had no where to go? I sighed again and looked out the window and watched the streets of New York go by.

I paid the man as we got out of the car and I walked up to my door, realising I didn't even lock it

I stepped inside and shivered as my body warmed up. I walked over to my couch and dropped my bag on it instead of the floor this time.

I turned around to face Reneé, she wasn't looking at me except she was looking around at my house. I just watched as she got familiar with her surroundings. Her face had mascara lines going down it but she still managed to pull it off and look so beautiful, her lips were turned upside down making her look so.. Sad.

Suddenly our eyes met and hers immediately started watering. I opened my mouth to speak. To tell her it's not her fault it's mine, but she beat me to it.

She took a deep breath holding back her tears before speaking.

" Uhm Y/n I'm, so sorry, I don't know what came over me at that bar. I was wrong I'm sorry. I just.. I didn't even think I liked you like that. But then I really thought about it and I realised that maybe I really did. "

At this point the attempt she made to hold back her tears was failing her as they came down her cheeks, her voice began to shake as she spoke.

" The first day on the plane when I saw you I knew you were.. I don't know different. I thought then you were gonna just be my friend. Then I got excited every time I saw you texted me. I overthought what I said back hoping it was a good enough response. Then you immediately came and helped me when I said I needed it, and no ones every really done that for me. Then at the bar when you asked if I thought you could get with someone I guess I felt somewhat, jealous? "

She even questioned herself. I Just stood there and watched her as she kept talking. Letting her explain even though I didn't need her to.

" Then following you just felt right, and I'm so sorry Y/n, I'm so fucking sorry"

That was the last thing she was able to say before the tears took over and she was stood in my living room sobbing.

I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her letting her lean into my body.

" I feel so disgusting Y/n " She croaked out between sobs " I'm a cheater. "

I pull her away from my body

" Reneé I kissed you it's my fault okay, and if you don't want to see me again trust me I will go.. okay? "

She looked at me with tired eyes

" No.. Alyssas gone she broke up with me.. I don't want you to go. Please " She said quietly looking at the floor.

" Im not going anywhere Reneé. I promise " I said looking at her she smiled at me and I looked into her eyes for a minute. Id be lying if I said she wasn't the prettiest girl Id ever seen. 

We stayed like that just looking at eachother her arms around my waist the same way they were at the club but this time it was different. Even though we were both still pretty drunk I knew this was right. This was real. It felt so unreal but it really was. Reneé Rapp was standing in my arms in my living room pouring her heart out to me. And I wouldn't have it any other way

" Y/n" She said snapping me out of my thoughts. " Yeah? " I responded, " do you have anywhere I can stay tonight. " I smiled at her before responding. " I have a queen sized bed I'm sure we will both fit " I said with a smile. She laughed at me and I took her hand dragging us up to my room.

I walked in and locked the door behind us before turning around to face her noticing she was wearing jeans and they cannot be comfortable to sleep in.

" Hold on I'll give you something to change into" I said walking over to my wardrobe.

" You dont have to do that.- "

" Im not letting you sleep in jeans " I said turning around and handing her sweatpants and a hoodie for her to change into. " the bathrooms down the hall 2nd door to the left " I said with a smile.

" Thank you" She said and left the room.

I turned around and got changed myself into sweatpants and a tank top throwing my hair up into a bun and jumping into my bed.

I layed face down for a second when I heard the door open and someone laugh at me.

" It's been a long night I'm tired " I groaned and felt her get into the bed as well. I rolled over and smiled.

" Im sorry about tonight, it's probably not how you were expecting this night to go. " She said, looking at me. I groaned and rolled my eyes " Reneé if you apologise one more time you're sleeping on the couch " I said pushing myself closer to her.

" okay, okay fine " She said putting her hands up in a protest.

A silence came over us as we sat in my bed  legs brushing against each other. I moved my arm down and interlocked my fingers with hers

No words were spoken between us after that.

But we didn't need them to be.

we just needed eachother.

1196 words

- Love is in the air -  Reneé Rapp Where stories live. Discover now