chapter 8

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Y/n's POV

Reneé and I talked for ages in the café about the most random shit. Her girlfriend, who I didnt know existed. Music, food, and literally anything else.

Before we realised it was already 5 o clock and the waitress was telling us we needed to finish up and leave soon.

I walked out of the café and held the door open for Reneé. She smiled and walked through the door, I loved her smile it was so genuine.

We started to walk down the street not knowing where we were going, just aimlessly walking turning corners every now and then in comfortable silence.

Eventually we made it to central park and sat down on a bench, she sat cross legged which made me smile.

It was starting to get dark and the street lights were beginning to come on,giving the area around us and orange glow.

" Y/n ? " I heard beside me, " yeah?" I responded looking at her the lights lighting up her face in a orangey yellowy colour. She was beautiful. Stop. Shes taken.

" Do you want me to walk you home? " she asked. I thought about it for a second before remembering the situation she had going on at her home. " Do you want to go home? "

She turned her head away from me, obviously thinking about the question. She looked so sad I hated seeing her like this, she always looked so happy and lively at concerts or interviews and this was a whole other side of her.

" No not really " She exhaled in a laugh " I just don't wanna deal with her it always ends in me apologising even though most of the time I wasn't the problem " She rants on.

" Then don't go home " I say smiling and standing up. " I cant Y/n, Alyssa will kill me if she Isn't going to already " I looked at her and rolled my eyes " Reneé you are 24 years old are you really gonna let her tell you when your bed time is ? " She laughed at me and stood up. I smiled and grabbed her hand " come on we are going somewhere fun "

Reneé's POV

I smiled at Y/n as she pulled me down the pathways of New York. She seemed so happy and passionate, like she had a map of the city in her brain

we had been walking for about 10 minutes before I opened my mouth to ask her where we were even going.

" Just wait and see" She responded not stopping for even a seconds, She must be determined to get there.

Soon enough Y/n stopped in a secluded alleyway and I could see a sign on top of one of the doors that was lit up with bright lights but I couldn't read what was on it from the angle we were at.

Y/n pulled my threw the door before I could even get a good look at the name laughing as she did.

I looked around and saw many people dancing and drinking, or laughing with friends around tables some playing games. I smiled it seemed nice in here

I observed some more before I realised something.

There was a lot of women here. Like, A LOT.

I turned my head to Y/n and looked at her confused to see her already looking at me with a big smile and her face.

my smile dropped as I realised where we were.

" Y/n! Is this a lesbian bar??" I whisper shouted, she burst out laughing and hunched over grabbing her stomach. I couldn't help but smile myself. I rolled my eyes with a big smile on mu face as she stood back up and gathered herself.

" You know im still taken. " I said looking around. " I never said you he to kiss someone here... " She said raising her eyebrow " come on I just wanna have fun" She whined grabbing my hands

" Fine. " I responded giving in and let her pull me over to the bar

" Two martinis please "

I went to pull out my wallet to pay but she pushed my hand back down and smiled at me

First rounds on me.

703 words

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