Chapter 2

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I looked at my phone thinking, I was trying to pin point who this girl looked like but I just couldn't get it. I needed to see her again. I looked over and caught a glimpse of her face.

She had dark eyes that looked like she hasn't taken off mascara from the night before but I  don't blame her, I do that all the time. She had a fringe that came over her face and covered her forehead and blue eyes.

I knew I'd seen her before, or someone who looked like her but I just couldn't think of who.

I turned on my phone and saw the front cover of the music I had been listening to on the screen.

I  Wish - Reneé Rapp

I looked at the phone, then back at her " holy shit " I whispered.  Am I sitting beside Reneé Rapp on this plane???

I quickly text my best friend


Alice you wont believe me but I think I'm sitting beside Reneé Rapp on my plane right now..

Are you being serious?
like 100% sure

I'm like 96% sure it's her unless shes got a twin we don't know about.
What do I do?
Do I talk to her

ask her for a picture or an autograph or something
omg I am so jealous of you

Im not gonna ask for a picture that makes me sound like some crazy fan

You are though..

shut up your no help
I'm putting you on airoplane mode

love you too 🫶🫶

I put my phone down on my lap and sighed, me and Alice had been friends since kindergarten but sometimes she really was no help.

I was about to play some music and try just block everything out of my mind when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

" Hey,  do you want food? They are going around with the carts."

She was looking at me,

Taking to me.

" Oh, umm no, I'm okay thank you." I say quickly while smiling.

She raised her eyebrow at me ," You sure? The next time they are giving out food is like.. 4 hours from now. "

God she's right. Of course she's right. I'm an idiot

" You're right, I'll just get a chicken sandwich. " I smile. She smiles back and asks the flight attendant for 2 chicken sandwiches. She pays for them both and hands me one.

" Oh here wait, take this. " I say, holding out money

" Don't worry about it, it's on me. " She said and began to eat her food.

" Thank you. " I responded.

This flight is 9 hours long and I'm already going insane. I think to myself as I eat my food.

While I'm eating, a man comes up to me and asks if I would like a drink.

" I'll get a champagne please. " I say and look at the girl beside me,

" do you want anything? "

Reneé's POV

I looked up at the girl asking me the question. " Uhm, I'll get whatever you got." I responded

She turned to the man and told him what we want. She was pretty.

I watched as the man walked away and she went back to her food. I had taken a few glances at her when we were boarding, I hadn't seen her around before.

Most of the time the people flying in first class are all the same. It was nice to see someone new.

I noticed she got up out of her seat, probably to go to the bathroom or something but what caught my attention is the fact that the flight attendant was coming back with our drinks and was not looking where he was going,

suddenly he walks straight into her, spilling the drinks all over her and smashing the glass all over the floor.

" What the fuck?! " I hear her say loudly, more out of confusion than anger. The flight attendant begins the apologise to her profusely but she doesn't really seem to be having any of it.

She tells him that she will be back and that she is going to clean herself up.

I cant help but feel the want to follow her.

I sit there for about a minute, watching the man clean up the glass before getting up out of my seat and walking down to the bathroom.

I knocked on the door and spoke," hey, are you okay in there? " I asked, " It's your seat-mate "

I heard the door unlock and it swung open,

" yeah, I'm fine. "

766 words

- Love is in the air -  Reneé Rapp Where stories live. Discover now