Chapter 5

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05 - Messages

Reneé's POV

After the turbulence Y/n and I started to talk more I asked her about her family why she moved to New York just all of the basic things and honestly I was really enjoying talking to her. She was fun

Before I knew it the captain was telling us that we were descending soon and to put your seatbelts on push up the tables etc. So did Y/n.

It kind of sucked that the flight was over. Most of the time I just sit on the flights alone listening to music. But this girl made 9 hours feel like minutes, now its over

I wanted to ask her for her number or her socials something I can talk to her on but I didn't know if that was going too far, if she was only engaging with me to make the time go by faster.

Soon the plane bounced as it hit the floor and pulled into the airport. People began to pick up their bags and get their suitcases from the overhead compartments. I watched as Y/n stood up grabbing her stuff. I did the same, grabbing my bag and suitcase.

I watched her as she got herself ready when I noticed she still had my jacket on. This gives me a good reason to ask her for some way to contact her.

" Umm Y/n, " She looked up and smiled " Yeah? " " Is there anyway I can contact you? " I asked hopefully " Oh yeah of course, hold on."

she took a pen out of her bag and asked for my hand. I stuck my hand out to her and she scribbled down her number on my palm and smiled. " Thank you " I said, and pulled my hand back.

" I'll talk to you again Reneé. " She said and walked off the plane. I smiled and followed her off. I looked for her around the airport but she seemed to just disappear.

Y/n's POV

The time seemed to fly by on the flight. I talked and laughed so much I forgot I was talking to a famous girl, and when she asked for some sort of contact I agreed immediately.
It only really registered in my brain that i had just given Reneé Rapp my number. My face got hot with embarrassment, especially since i wrote Call me after my number. Im hoping she ignores that.

I go through security, it takes a bit longer this time but I didn't mind. I would be lying if i said i didn't take the extra time to search around the airport in hopes of just seeing her again. She was probably long gone by now though.

Eventually I finally get out of the airport and spot my best friend's car parked by the curb.  I put my suitcase into the trunk of her car " Omg, Hey girl " I say as I get into the passenger seat of her car. " Sooo , how was it? " She asks as we pull away from the airport. " How was what?" I ask throwing my bag into the back seat.

" Dont play dumb with me Y/n, how was the flight with Reneé? " I looked at her  " Oh yeah, It was fine, we talked honestly its was pretty fun. " She gave me a weird look when I finished speaking " what? " I asked raising my eyebrow.

" You don't sound that excited I was sitting here getting prepared for you to be screaming in my ear the whole way home" She said looking ahead at the road. She wasn't wrong, I wasn't that enthusiastic but I just couldn't get the fact that I was most likely just a fan to her out of my head.

" Sorry I'm just tired from the jet lag " I said, making up an excuse. She shrugged her shoulders obviously taking that as a good enough excuse and turned on the radio to fill the silence that came over us.

We didn't talk most of the way home, Alice told me a bit about her Christmas but other than that the only sound in the car was the radio playing the latest songs.

When we pulled up to my apartment I got out of the car and thanked her, grabbed my bags and told her I would call her later.

I walking into the building and went into the elevator since my legs hurt from just looking at the stairs. As the elevator was going up I looked in the mirror and saw that I still had her jacket on.

I sighed loudly. I was telling myself I wasn't just any other fan to Reneé the whole drive home because she had asked for my contacts, she wanted to talk to me. I told myself that confidently but of course she didn't want to talk to me, she probably just wants her jacket back.

I walked out of the elevator and up to my apartment door, unlocking it and going inside, throwing my bags down and walking straight to my bedroom. I was so done with this day, I was jet lagged and seriously confused.

I lied on my bed and fell asleep almost as soon as my head hit the pillow, my mind think of one more thing before I drifted off.

She wants to talk to me right?

893 words

- Love is in the air -  Reneé Rapp Where stories live. Discover now