Chapter 15

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Y/n's POV

I groaned as I woke up the light shining into my room hurting my eyes as I opened them. I felt something move beside me and I looked down to see Reneé with her arms wrapped around my body.

I smiled as the memories from last night came back into my head. She wasn't just Reneé anymore . She was my girlfriend. I Couldn't of been happier than I was right now, this was honestly everything I had ever wanted.

I felt Reneé move beside me as she slowly woke up. I smiled as I watched her open her eyes and look at me.

" Goodmorning baby " I whispered tucking a piece of loose hair behind her ear. She smiled up at me before putting her head back down and mumbling into my neck.

" I don't wanna get up yet" She whined quietly. I chuckled and sat up slightly. I heard a phone buzz and I picked mine up but there was no new notifications. " Must be yours Reneé " I said putting mine back down on the desk beside my bed.

She rolled over and picked up her phone her smile dropping slightly as she read it. " Is everything okay? " I asked, lying back down beside her.

I read the message at the top of the screen.

Renee come pick up your fucking shit from this apartment the neighbours are getting pissed at the stuff being outside.

I watched as she rolled her eyes and sighed. I put my hand on her thigh and rubbed it with my thumb.

" Hey, its okay ill come help you get your stuff okay " I said hoping it reassured her at all.

She smiled weakly and sat up, stretching her arms out and standing up walking over to my wardrobe and picking out clothes for her to wear.

I laughed to myself at how comfortable she had gotten in my room it was cute.

Suddenly I was brought out of my thoughts when she started undressing in front of me.

" Wow Reneé" I said, covering my eyes with my hands and looking in the opposite direction. " What? It's not like you didn't see it all last night."She said, with a smirk on her face. God I wanted to wipe it off so bad.

I rolled my eyes and picked up my phone scrolling through social media. Everything was fine until I went onto TikTok and the first video I saw had a photo of me and Reneé sitting at the table in the restaurant we were at last night.

My eyes widened as I scrolled through the comments.

" Who is this chick?"

" Is she not with Alyssa?"

" where did Reneé even find her ive never seen her before "

" probably another girl who's just gonna use Reneé. "

Reply " At least we get a new album from it😂"

Who do these people think they are?! I would never use her and why is a new album the only thing they care about, Not about the fact that I might ' use her '. Im also guessing she hasn't told anyone her and Alyssa broke up yet.

- Love is in the air -  Reneé Rapp Where stories live. Discover now