Chapter 18

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sorry its been so long guys 😭🩷

Y/n's POV

"Reneé!" I shouted up the stairs as I was grabbing my bag and putting on a necklace.
" We are going to be late hurry up!".

The last few weeks have been pretty insane if I'm going to be honest. First The kiss then Renee and Alyssa then the fans finding out and then my ex?! It was all a bit too much for us and we desperately needed a break.

Which is why I decided to surprise Reneé with dinner tonight at her favourite restaurant. I also invited some of her friends to come with us like Aylah , Adam and Thomas who'd recently been talking to me on instagram after they saw Reneé's post.

I was so excited to take her out I mean she really deserved it after everything.

I looked up as I heard footsteps coming down the stairs and I saw the her looking absolutely gorgeous. I swear her beauty shocks me more and more every day and how I pulled her I genuinely couldn't tell you.

" Where are we even going.. " She muttered, while putting a bracelet on her wrist. She was wearing a red leather jacket with a matching leather skirt a belt wrapped around it and long high ref high heels to match.

Her hair was also put up in a claw clip and she had her glasses on which I thought just made her look even hotter.

" You look hot." I said and smirked walking over to her.

She smiled and responded " you look
hotter "  She said placing her hands on my waist and sliding them up and down my body.

She lent down and captured my lips in hers holding my face with one of her hands.

She pushed me back against the wall and deepened the kiss sliding her tongue into my mouth making me melt into her touch.

" fuck Reneé " I mumbled as she began to bite down on my neck.

Just as she was about to go lower she pulled away.

" I think we have a reservation to get to don't we?" She said with a smirk knowing full well what she did.

I give her a death stare before fixing myself in the mirror and grabbing the keys

" Im gonna kill you for that later " I said opening the door for her to walk out.

" I hope you do " She whispered

I roll my eyes at her but when I was about to walk out the door when a wave of dizziness hit me making my grasp onto the door my vision going dark.

" Hey you okay baby? " She asked putting her hand on my shoulder.

" Yeah I'm fine love don't worry " I said I haven't really been eating the past few days but I don't want to tell Reneé

She does so much for me and I don't want to worry her more than I already have

I smiled at her and got in the drivers seat of the car while she got in the passenger seat beside me.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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