Chapter 17

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Reneé's POV

It had been a week since Y/n got taken. The worst week of my life. Ive barely slept, eaten. I can't do anything without the constant reminder shes not there doing it with me.

I needed her back so bad. She was like my oxygen. I cant breathe without her. I cant live without breathing.

I pulled away from my thoughts when I got a buzz from my phone.

I rolled over and grabbed it off the nightstand. And yes I slept in her bed the past week, I had no where else to go and it felt like the closest I could get to her without her actually being here with me.

I turned on my phone and saw an unknown number texting me.

I ignored it for a minute. I really didn't have the effort for people right now. I went onto instagram and my account looking at the photo I had seemed to come back to time and time again over the past week.

The photo of us that I took to tell people she was the one.

If I knew that was the last time I would have kissed her I never would have let her go. I never would have teased her and said we needed to take my stuff inside. 
I felt a tear roll down my check as I began to cry.

I needed Y/n I needed her so bad, I knew I loved that girl but up until right now I didn't realise how much I actually relied on her.

I wanted to see her smile again and hear her laugh echo around the room. I wanted to wrap my arms around her waist and hold her close and take in the smell of her perfume. I wanted to lie in bed and tangle myself in her body and lie there for the rest of my life. I wanted to kiss her again and never stop.

At this point I was sobbing looking at the photo, I needed to think about something else so I went back to that message


I know where Y/n is.

My eyes widened as I sat up quickly. I had either left everyone on opened or delivered this week only replying to important messages or telling people I'm still alive every once in a while.

But this message was different. So much for getting her off my mind.

How? Who are you? God I have so many questions.

My names alice. Im her best friend, I was reading the article about her and the statement you gave on the girl who took her. The way you described her. You literally described her ex. And I know where her ex is.

All of this was happening way too fast I needed to talk to her in person. 

Come to her house thats where I am, I need to talk to you in person.

I put my phone down and got up. If  Y/n's best friend was coming over I needed to look at least half decent.

I got a quick shower and made myself look not so dead inside and cleaned the house a little before I heard a knock on the door.

I walked over and opened it and saw Alice standing there. She almost looked as bad as I did. I forgot this was her best friend two. She probably missed her just as much as I did.

- Love is in the air -  Reneé Rapp Where stories live. Discover now